Name: Myst
Previously stamped as:
Sky/Lake (Regular Restamp), Circinus (Constellations), Frigg (Gods/Goddesses), Oregano (Herbs), Water (Mirror), Meteor Shower (Natural Wonders), Griffin (Mythological Creatures), Owl (Bird), Lapis Lazuli (Rocks/Gemstones), Indigo (Colour), Tundra (Ecosystems), Hibiscus (Flowers), Whale (Underwater), Owl (Animal), Platinum (Periodic Table), Lake (Water Bodies), Cove (Landforms)
Five unstamped applications you have voted on: There are, I think, currently only three.
1. What are some of your positive character traits?: Compassionate, intelligent, loyal, protective of friends, determined, strong-willed, assertive, confident, sensitive to others, quick-witted, creativ
What are some of your negative character traits?: I can be pretty over-emotional at times, and my temper is the kind of temper that goes on slow burn: once I get sufficiently angry, I will politely, calmly and verbally tear you apart. (You can tell I'm mad when my voice goes saccharine sweet.) I'm really stubborn - as in, I will listen to your point of view, but convincing me is a good bit harder than that. I'm fairly clumsy, and because I try to see everyone's point of view, I can be indecisive at times. Also, I snark. A lot. Even when I shouldn't. I TRY not to, I swear, I swear, but I snark.
Additional: Because I honestly get twitchy about reducing myself to adjectives, have an extra two paragraphs that I think describe me better than positive-negative attributes.
I'm ridiculously snarky and I have a terrible sense of direction, but that's not personality. I like to think of myself as intellectual - I'm always looking for something new and something interesting to learn, and I have a perfectionistic streak in things that mean a lot to me. I'm more reserved than extroverted or introverted, and I'm a regular bookworm. I fiercely believe that everyone needs something to hold on to, and I get incredibly frustrated when someone drifts around aimlessly and doesn't try. So, I'm assertive, I'm sarcastic, and I - well, I try to be nice, but past a certain point I snap and get nasty. I'm also a very sedentary person, even though I like walking. Also, once you get me started on Pet Topics I will not stop.
With friends, I tend to be somewhat on the jokesterish, I-made-another-snarky-remark side. I'm ridiculously critical of myself, and I tend to blame myself for things - but I loathe it when people blame me and I think it's not my fault. I'm stubborn - not that I'm not willing to listen to your point of view, but my stance is my stance and you can have a pretty hard time convincing me to change it. I'm pretty damn emotional over a lot of things, and I've also been told I'm sensitive and compassionate and quick to catch on to things. I'm loyal to my friends, and I keep to a rather close circle. What else? I'm rather musical - I don't mean necessarily talented, but I tend to go off humming something or absently tapping my foot to a rhythm all the time, and I thrive on mental stimulation and challenges. I get easily bored without them, so I tend to try to find things like puzzles to solve on board trains, or busy my hands when I have nothing else to do. (In short, I hate feeling like I'm letting my mind rot - I also get annoyed if I feel like I'm not getting enough of a challenge.) I tend to be rather dramatic at times, and while I do mention I'm optimistic later on, I'm not cheerful or bubbly, but I do wear my heart on my sleeve a fair bit, so you can tell when I'm happy or sad or angry.
What element do you relate to the most?: Water, because I've always associated it with fluidity and depth of emotion, plus it can be still or absolutely raging, a bit like my moods. On top of that - I don't think I'm nearly grounded enough for earth or aggressive enough for fire; my zodiac sign tells me I'm air but I think water fits a little better in my head.
What would be your role in a party or social setting?: I'm the one at the edge of the party, mingling with just a few good friends, drink in hand. I don't like big parties - I get tired and drained far too easily and I stop wanting to talk.
Idealism or realism?: Idealism, but not to the point of naivete.
What is your ideal career choice?: Anything to do with books or literature.
Are you more scientifically or artistically gifted?: Artistically.
In what academic subjects do/did you succeed in?: I'm an English Literature and Theatre Studies major, so - that should answer your question, I think.
Check what words/ideas attract you:
[X] Spirituality
[ ] Solitude
[/] Challenges
[ ] Taking charge
[X] Strength of will
[X] True love
[X] Peace
[ ] Nature
[/] Changes
This or that:
Dominant or submissive: I don't like to take charge, but I have a bite. I wouldn't call myself 'submissive' because I'm not inclined to lie down and let people use me as a doormat, but at the same time I don't like taking charge unless I want/have to. Um. In-between?
Emotional or detached: Emotional.
Cautious or reckless: Cautious, except when it comes to my smart-mouthing people. Then I'm just impulsive.
Introverted or extroverted: Reserved.
Patient or impatient: Patient with some people, impatient with myself and some others.
Compassionate or just: You cannot have the latter without taking into consideration the former, I think.
Unpredictable or predictable: Unpredictable.