Stamped as Forest and Garden // Natural Disaster theme!

Jan 20, 2011 15:51

Name: Kelly

Previously stamped as: Regular: Garden and Forest
Cloud: Fair Weather Cumulus
Body of Water: Creek
Landform: Lagoon
Flower: Heather
Animal: Wolf
Rock/Gemstone: Alexandrite
Tree: Aspen
Gods/Goddesses of the Elements: Demeter, the Goddess of the Harvest
Periodic Table: Gold
Herb: Rosemary
Flower II: Gardenia
Mirror: Spring
Color: Pink
Parasite: Mosquito
Mythological Creature: Fairy and Unicorn
Emotion: Happiness
Bird: Finch
Planet: Neptune
Ecosystem: Urban
Western Zodiac: Libra and Pisces
Weather Forecast: Partly Cloudy
Continent: Europe

Five unstamped applications you have voted on:

How do you deal with anger or aggression?: Usually I just take some time to myself and try to calm down. If I feel the need, I vent to my LJ or to a friend but I tend to just keep everything to myself. When someone is angry with me, I either sit there and just kind of take it and hope they'll get over it, or I can get really defensive and angry at them. If I'm angry enough, I cry, but it really does take a lot for me to get to that point.

What physical environment do you enjoy the most?: I love moderate climates with mild temperatures, nothing too hot or cold. Rain is my favorite kind of weather and I also love it when it's overcast or snowy. Sunny days are also nice, but sometimes the sun can be a bit too bright for me, haha. I'm more productive when the weather is gloomy, and that's actually when I feel most energized.

What social situations do you feel that you thrive in?: I do best it a small group of people. If it's too loud and busy I have a hard time really jumping in to things and I don't really know what to do. But I like small, intimate groups best!

What are your fears?: Deep water, failure.

What makes you uncomfortable?: Hmm... being pressured to do something I don't want to do. Being in a new situation and being asked to do things I haven't done before. Not feeling prepared for something. Basically, any situation where I'm put on the spot makes me uncomfortable, haha.

When faced with a problem, what technique(s) do you use to solve it?: It depends on the problem! But I like to try to think about the situation and explore all of my options before making a decision. Sometimes I just go with my gut feeling if nothing else is working.

What irritates or annoys you?: A lot of things, and it varies from day to day. One thing that ALWAYS irritates me gum-chewing, or any other loud chewing sounds. Ugh, I can't stand it. I also hate snoring or any other kind of sleeping noises, unless they're coming from a cute animal, because then that's just adorable. But people are never cute when they sleep. Unless it's a baby. But yeah, those are probably my biggest pet peeves.

What relaxes you?: Listening to music, reading, drinking coffee, the sound of rain, being with my cose friends. Again, this also varies but those are things that never fail to relax me. :)

theme - natural disaster - flood

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