Five unstamped applications you have voted on: I've voted on all the unstamped applications underneath mine.
Name: Samantha
Previously stamped as: Sky (Regular)
Location: Singapore
Positive Traits: Strong-willed, intelligent/bookish, mature, compassionate, nurturing, intuitive, artistic, sympathetic, sensible, imaginative, passionate, sensible, profound, dignified, goal-orientated, feminine, dreamy, romantic
Negative Traits: Perfectionist, irritable, headstrong, indecisive, emotional, sensitive, temperamental, neurotic, domineering, contradictory, disputatious, defensive
Pictures (URLs or thumbnails): -
Day to Day
What are some of your daily activities?: On a normal school day, it's pretty routine. I wake up, get ready for school, spend more time in school than I normally would, and go back home exhausted. In between bus rides, I'm always lost in my own daydreams or transported into another world with music and a good book. When I don't have school, it's still routine (goodness haha) but I enjoy the serenity that home gives me. I wake up whenever I want (go slep as late as possible), linger for a while, be lazy and just do whatever I have in mind. As a student, my life still revolves largely around school...but I'm trying to change that. But, sacrifies are made to realise your dreams and I think I'd just have to put up with school.
How do you spend an evening to yourself?: Usually with a good book or on the computer. I'm rarely by myself to be honest, because I spend a lot of time with my sister. So, sometimes we'd just talk from afternoon to night.
Choose one season:
[ ] Autumn
[X] Winter
[ ] Spring
[ ] Summer
What is your preferred environment and climate?: Cold. I don't like scorching hot climates, and I've lived in a place with no seasons and a tropical climate so I've always been fascinated with snow and seasons.
How do you act in a confrontation or in an intense situation?: I am usually extremely cautious. I don't want to say or do anything unnecessary but at the same time, I will voice out what I feel needs to be voiced out. I won't stand for people stepping over me or leaving me with "no voice". I think I can be quite stubborn too, to the extend of sometimes wanting people to see things my way haha.
Do you adapt well to change, or are your resistant? I'm not a big fan of change but I'm not resistant to it. If it comes, I'd try my best to accept it.
What do you want most from life?: It's hard to put down what I want most out of life. I want to rise above mediocrity, I want success, I want to realise my dreams, I want to experience things and feel things - love, dreams, experiences...and probably a lot more.
How would your friends describe you?: Feminine because of my preferences, bitchy when you get on my nerves and push my buttons too far, intelligent and somewhat intimidating.