Of Nature

Feb 24, 2010 16:25

Name: Katie
Age: 20
Location: Pasadena, CA
Likes: Writing, anime & manga, kittens, drinking, cooking, fruits & veggies, parties, sleeping, relaxing
Dislikes: Chores, work, responsibilities! I wanna be a kid forever!
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Funny, playful, cheerful, easy-going...at least those things describe me!
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Lazy, undependable... ._.
Hobbies & Interests: I like to write and read the most! I love books! I can get into just bout anything though...


Color: Mustard yellow! It's a happy color, but not overpowering.
Movie: New Moon, at least for now, lol. Long-term...I'm a sucker for Titanic! Nostalgia!
Music: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and anything J-rock.
Novel: It's really a toss-up between Twilight and Harry Potter.
Animal: Tiger, but I love all cats.
Fragrance/Scent: I love the smell of insence, right now I'm absolutely obsessed with nag champa!
Quotation/Lyric: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. -Gandhi

This or That

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Realist or Idealist: Idealist
Light or Dark: Light
Introverted or Extroverted: Extroverted
Calm or Chaos: Calm
Intuition or Logic: Intuition

Hopes, dreams, wishes for the present and future: To be able to do do whatever I want! Is that too vague? I believe in true love, and I want to find it.
What is your ultimate dream to achieve?: Fame and fortune! >w<
What is the greatest lesson you have learned?: Just to love and be loved in return~
Something you admire/love/respect: My grandmother, or really any woman who has been around that long! Wow! The world was just so different back then.
Something you detest greatly: Any form of killing or death, of anything in any form.
If you could have one "supernatural" power, what would it be?: To turn into any animal that I want. I love everything! ^^
Where do you feel most at home?: Uh...at home, lol! In bed, reading a book or watching TV.
Do you have any creative talents?: I write, and I sometimes draw (but I don't really show anyone...)
Where is your favourite place to be, and why? In the bathroom! LMAO! Actually in the bathtub, taking a nice long aromatherapy bath. So relaxing!

Four applications that you have voted on:

stamped - regular - summer

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