Name: Kelly
Previously stamped as:
Regular: Garden and Forest
Cloud: Fair Weather Cumulus
Body of Water: Creek
Landform: Lagoon
Flower: Heather
Animal: Wolf
Rock/Gemstone: Alexandrite
Tree: Aspen
Gods/Goddesses of the Elements: Demeter, the Goddess of the Harvest
Periodic Table: Gold
Location: Minnesota, USA
Positive Traits: Sweet, compassionate, friendly, loyal, supportive
Negative Traits: Shy, lazy, withdrawn, a procrastinator, sarcastic
Pictures (URLs or thumbnails):
Here! What are some of your daily activities?: I go to class, I do homework and study, I watch some tv (or a movie) and browse the internet a bit. I try to read as much as I can but I can never find the time or energy during the semester, and I love to bake but don't do it often because I never have ingredients. I have friends that I see every day, but I don't get to hang out with them because we're all so busy all the time!
How do you spend an evening to yourself?: I love to relax with a good cup of hot chocolate or coffee, something sweet to eat (like ice cream or cake!) and a good movie or book.
Choose one season:
[X] Autumn
[ ] Winter
[ ] Spring
[ ] Summer
What is your preferred environment and climate?: I love rain! I love it when it's cool and rainy, or just cool and cloudy. I do like the sun and warm weather, but I hate it when it's too hot and I am a big fan of snuggling under blankets, so that's why I prefer it cooler. :)
How do you act in a confrontation or in an intense situation?: It depends. I've gotten really worked up when it happens with my family, but when it's with my friends, I stay pretty calm although I might get angry inside. I tend to think about it a lot after it happens, and that's when I get the most worked up. I rarely show it, though. I hate confrontations so I try to avoid them or just let the other person work it out because I can't handle them myself.
Do you adapt well to change, or are your resistant?: I don't like change, but I know that it's inevitable so I do my best to adapt. Eventually, I'll get used to whatever that change is.
What kind of foods do you enjoy eating the most?: Coffee, chocolate and ice cream are my biggest comfort foods. I just always feel a little better after eating or drinking them. :) I also love Italian and Chinese cuisine, and seafood! Living in the middle of the country, we don't get much seafood here (lots of walleye though, which I also love) so it's like a special treat for me.