Jul 30, 2009 16:45
Name: Umbrella, for now.
Age: 14.
Location: I'm not from Mars, at least.
Likes: Drawing, writing, reading, computers, philosophy, good mysteries, puzzles, golf, Starbucks, violining, mathematics, those sciences, thought, brilliant ways to improvise, wisdom, solitude, criminology, YouTube Poop, psychology, coffee, learning, privacy, truth, ideas. Oh, and Sherlock Holmes.
Dislikes: Anything overly passionate or sentimental, stupidity, narm, dramas + llamas, small talk, obnoxiousness, boredom, rap, the spotlight, routine, irrational choices, loud noises, warm climates, bad food, gossip, wasteful lifestyles, limited freedom, biased thinking.
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Reflective, curious, amiable, observant, easy-going, focused, abstract, creative, analytical, intelligent enough, spontaneous, rational, introverted, versatile.
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Inconsiderate (of others' feelings), misunderstood, detached, absent-minded, sneaky, a bit cynical, lazy, suspecting, withdrawn, private.
Hobbies & Interests: You'll gather what you can from my Likes.
Color: I can't make up my mind when it comes to the relatives of gray, blue, and brown. I would like to think that gray can translate into objectivity, while blue defines freedom and intelligence, and brown obviously represents good coffee. Or ancient philosophy. It really depends on how they're interpreted and by who, though.
Movie: I don't think I really have any, but the closest so far has been Pixar's UP.
Music: Anything that's classical or pays homage to the genre. That, and anything else that makes good enough of a listen.
Novel: Undecided as well, for there are too many. How about, "A Study In Scarlet," by Arthur Conan Doyle?
Animal: Owls, sharks of all kinds, and cockatoos. Those funny sounds that they make are amusing.
Fragrance/Scent: Of coffee. Who agrees, here?
Quotation/Lyric: "Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought." - Henri Louis Bergson
This or That
Optimistic or Pessimistic: It depends on how events play out. I often try to anticipate the worst, however, to prevent any total disappointments.
Realist or Idealist: Neither. I can't say that I meet both sides of the scale. I'd lean towards abstract, at least.
Light or Dark: More like 'neutral'.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted, all the way.
Calm or Chaos: Calm.
Intuition or Logic: Using (or attempting to use) both has it's perks.
Hopes, dreams, wishes for the present and future: A satisfactory life with an occupation that's intellectually stimulating.
What is your ultimate dream to achieve?: That's almost like asking the same question.
What is the greatest lesson you have learned?: I have yet to learn many more, and I don't expect a definitive answer until then.
Something you admire/love/respect: The faculty of the mind.
Something you detest greatly: No creative liberty.
If you could have one "supernatural" power, what would it be?: No thanks, yo.
Where do you feel most at home?: Wherever you find that cafe atmosphere.
Do you have any creative talents?: Why not?
Where is your favourite place to be, and why? A bookstore or a library. It is fun to browse and explore, after all.
Edit: I've added a few things here and there for the sake of accuracy. Those additions, in this case, are in black.
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