Of Nature.

Sep 25, 2008 16:42

Name: Megan
Likes: anything artistic (drawing, painting, etc.), peach yogurt, long walks, forests, Square Enix, felines, Taco Bell, Disney movies, random drives to nowhere in particular, catching up with old friends, fireworks, coffee and tea, thinking, praying mantises, soundtracks, music, yaoi, watching thunderstorms, movie nights, proving people wrong, birds
Dislikes: Everything. oral presentations, abrasive people, ignorance, when my patience is tested, the way my mind works, chauvinism, ditzy women, being bombarded with tasks, being out of my "comfort zone", water, creepers
Hopes, dreams, wishes for the future or present: I'm not really all that much of a dreamer, sadly. I prefer to take things as the come. To humor the question, all I can really hope for is to be successful. I don't want to end up like a few members of my family, I want to make someone proud. I'd also like to get out of the close minded hick town I was raised in and get an education. I'd like to experience love as well, though I'll let that come to me.
Hobbies: artsy things like painting, drawing, collage making, and designing. I'm also learning about France and the French language.
Some of your better qualities/talents:
-I'm often brutally honest and blunt. Though, in most situations people take my honesty the wrong way and think I'm taking cheap shots or trying to deflate their ego, while all I am trying to do is tell them how I feel. If someone asks my opinion on something, I often give them what I think, straight up with no bullshit. Though, it can get me into trouble, it's a strong re-accuring quality of mine.
-I have loads of emotional strength. Though I'm quite young, I've been through a lot. I've watched a close friend and many family members die, been back stabbed, played the backstabber more than once, got manipulated and I've grown from it all. I don't trust as easily as I once did and I often question things.
-I'd like to say that I'm rather creative and clever. I'm not as naive as I used to be, so I'm rather jaded and bitter when it comes to things now. I'm not a genius, but I can say I'm rather intelligent in some fields.
-Though, I often come off slightly cold through first impressions, I'm rather caring and defensive of the ones close to me. I guess it's a bit of a strength and weakness depending on who's looking at it and what the situation is.
-I have a lot of common sense and tend to make decisions better than most of my peers. I know what I want most of the time out of situations and know how to make the right decision.
-Surprisingly, through all of that I have a sense of humor and know how to laugh. Who knew?
Some of your worse traits:
-I'm usually quite reserved and keep to myself. It takes a long time for me to fully open up to someone due to my terrible trust issues and paranoia. I don't like giving too much information about my past or mistakes to people I've just met. I'm rather secretive.
-I cling to the past, almost like a security blanket. I surround myself with memories and often think and analyze things that happened to me in the past and whether I could have made the deciding factor or have changed it somehow. I could easily get over it, but I'm afraid that I'll forget it or become a totally different person in essence.
-In conversation, I'm not very strong. I often come off as stoic or uncaring when people tell me things. I'm also awkward when it comes to physical contact. It usually leads in me turning away from what I should do, which often ruins the mood or pisses someone off.
-I can be quite selfish. I usually look out for number one and in some situations a select few. It's a big downfall of my personality, actually.
-I over analyze. It's terrible. Someone could give me a compliment, and I run it through my head so many times so that it's not a compliment anymore, it's a personal attack. Which usually ends in me accidentally insulting someone again. Go me.
Something you admire/love/respect: I admire people stronger than me. People that can get back up after being beaten down and still have a smile on their face. Someday I hope that I could be that determined and have that much fight for something.
Something you detest greatly: I've grown to detest many things, though I really have no time for people who lack respect. I don't get along with anyone who's close-minded and looks down at people or other races. I can't stand racism, sexism, or any kind of discrimination.
Five words to describe you: honest, stoic, paranoid, clever, creative
If you could have one "supernatural" power, what would it be?: Something time related would be cool. Like the ability to freeze time. I also would take interest in manipulating the growth of plants or something like that.
Where do you feel most at home?: Under my tree. It's my favorite place, actually.
Where did find this community?: on an affiliates list somewhere :/

stamped - regular - forest

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