Aug 01, 2008 15:52
Name: Zuks
Likes: Good food, art, good stories, movies, fandoms, crafts, rock music, sleeping, amusement parks, space aliens, different colored houses, and cephalopods.
Dislikes: Bad food, very socially uptight people, home owner's associations, back seats with three people, fast driving, being useless, the outdoors/countryside, and strange things in my yard (such as dogs or space aliens) that are generally undesirable.
Hopes, dreams, wishes for the future or present: To become a graphic novelist / author-illustrator.
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, watching movies, attempting to cook (not very good), general crafts, trying to sew (not very good), and trying to be organized (very poor). Abstract/sciencey things, Rock that rawks, Fandoms, etc. (otherwise synonymous with likes).
Some of your better qualities/talents: I'm good at art, drawing, crafting, and I like to think creative writing (but that's purely opinional). I'm also good at analyzing things so long as I'm interested in them.
Some of your worse traits: I try not to be very emotional, so to others I might sometimes seem cold or impersonal. I'm very to myself, and would sometimes prefer being alone to spending time with friends. When it comes to things I believe in, I hold to them, but that also means I'm incredibly stubborn. Still, I try and be open minded and at least hear what others have to say - even if I don't agree in the slightest.
Something you admire/love/respect: Someone who is firm in their beliefs and opinions, and people who can do things that I can't, or are selfless.
Something you detest greatly: People who think without being rational at all, people who believe in inequality.
Five words to describe you: stuck quiet odd fumbling spark
If you could have one "supernatural" power, what would it be? Communicate my thoughts exactly to paper.
Where do you feel most at home? In my bedroom.
Where did find this community? Jumping from affiliate to affiliate.
stamped - regular - garden