Name: Elizabeth, Liz
Previously stamped as: Fire
Re-stamped: Water
Flower Theme: Orchid
Gemstone Theme: Jasper
Gemstone Re-stamp: Onyx
Animal Theme: Snake, Squirrel
Planet Theme: Mercury
Gods and Goddesses Theme: Pele
Natural Wonders Theme: Meteor Shower
Natural Wonders re-stamp: Niagra Falls
Colors Theme: Orange
Underwater Theme: Seal
Western Zodiac Theme: Leo
Flower Theme 2.0: Iris, Marigold, & Sunflower
Natural Disasters Theme: Volcano
Solar System Theme: Asteroid
Underwater Theme 2.0: Waves, Shark
Colors Theme 2.0: Amber
Planet Theme 2.0: Jupiter
1. What are some of your positive adjectives?: Funny, intelligent, empathetic, creative, intuitive
2. What are some of your negative adjectives?: Moody, belligerent, sharp-tounged, vindictive, messy
3. What is your favorite season(s)?: I love spring, because I really love wind. Breezes and sunshine on a cool-ish day are my kinda thing!
4. What type of animal are you more attracted to? I really like the larger dogs that look vicious, but really aren't. Also cats, even though they shed all over my hoodies (which are black, so I suppose that's my fault).
5. What element are you drawn to? Which one best represents you? I think Fire represents me best, but I'm more drawn to Sea, Pond, River, etc. I really love water!
6. What is your most definable strength? My empathy. My ability to try and experience what others are going through and to try to help them feel better. Although my creativity is a close second-seriously, if I couldn't write, I'd waste away with nothing to do.
7. What physical environment do you thrive in? What kind of weather? Environment-I love cities. Lots of people, lights, music, etc...that's why I really LOVE NYC! Weather-I love rain. Particularly thunderstorms.
8. Twilight, dawn, or night? Twilight, because the day just slows down, everything seems more peaceful. Though that same description could apply to dawn as well, and I like dawn too.
9. Which words appeal to you?
[ ] Sun
[X] Night
[X] Growth/Prosperity
[X] Fire/Heat
[ ] Destruction
[X] Rain
[X] Clouds
[X] Universe
[ ] Hearth
[X] Wisdom
[X] Powerful
10. Your pictures here