Oct 23, 2010 19:26
So, what is there to say. I moved, I still have a job for the time being. I'm basically settled into my new place, though still dragging junk out of the old apartment since roommate just disappeared.
Established I'd perhaps made a mistake with the ex after he helped me move. He keeps texting me and seems to want to be in contact, but when I invite him over...he balks. He's had decent excuses but I think the best thing for me is just to drop communication for awhile. Tonight is he cooking dinner for his best friend, since he'll be out of town during the actual birthday.
I guess I'm through, now. We're not on bad terms, but I need to really cut myself away to move on. I think that's also going to entail cutting off our mutual friend. Being in touch with him just reminds me that I'm waffling. I guess I could talk to him about it, but...at this point I just don't want to. I don't feel like putting myself out there for him again. Especially when he sends mixed signals like this.
Anyway, I like the new place. It is good for me to be here.
Erm, that's about all I got right now.