More News From the Bush Leagues

Jun 20, 2005 22:01

Before I post the stories I want to take a moment to thank all of you who posted in the last few days. The information you shared with me will be invaluable in getting my Journal Re-formatted.

Living in a Fantasy World

Sen. Chuck Hagel criticizes President Bush's performance on Iraq

In an interview late last week with U.S. News Senior Writer Kevin Whitelaw, Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska blasted the Bush administration's performance in the Iraq operation, using some of his strongest language yet [Hit by friendly fire (6/27/05)]. "Things aren't getting better; they're getting worse. The White House is completely disconnected from reality," he said. "It's like they're just making it up as they go along. The reality is, we're losing in Iraq."

Ah the Humanity

A test for President Bush on democracy, human rights$35097

Human Rights Watch reports: "Hundreds of dissidents have been jailed on criminal charges simply for advocating democratic reforms or using the Internet to disseminate proposals for human rights and religious freedom." Brad Adams of Human Rights Watch concludes: "President Bush has raised expectations with his call for democracy and more open societies around the world. The biggest test of whether he means it is his willingness to press countries such as Vietnam on basic rights issues."

A Blow For Justice

Supreme Court overturns death sentence, cites inadequate defense

The Supreme Court overturned a Pennsylvania man's death sentence Monday, saying his court-appointed lawyers failed to adequately investigate evidence that could have persuaded a jury to spare his life. The 5-4 ruling gives teeth to a prior decision that heightened standards for defense lawyers in capital cases. And it provides important context for a federal law aimed at limiting death row appeals.

Gameing News

I'm currently starting the Sims2 legacy challange and working my way through FFX with Riku, Auron and Yuna because I want to get the Celstial weapons as easily as possible so I can take on the Monster Arena for the First time.

At Home

I heard from my represenative at Voc Rehab on Friday that due to budetary concearns they may be cutting my funding for college. I am so scared, after raising my GPA to a 3.5 something I may not be able to go back, rendering all of my work pointless. Not to mention that I have no idea how the hell I would ever get us out of this mire of poverty if I can't get my degree.

On the posotive side, some money from minerva_fan's dad came in (late B-Day present) and that will help a lot. We've also received a notice from some Genetic Behavioral Research thing from PA that might be willing to pay me and my mom a hundred bucks apeice for doing a study on the diffrences in our weights.
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