Ok, if you guys are wondering why the questions about who's still reading, and the like it's because I am in the process of overhauling my LJ. I want to make it the best it can be and my web training tells me that market research is the way to do that =)
I know, I know it's my journal I should do what I want with it, and not worry about what others think. To some degree I will do exactly that - but I don't just write my journal for me it is also aimed at entertaining my audiance which in this case would be you fearless reader. (Yes I am a Stephen King Buff for those of you who picked that up. And I see, so are you ::Waves::)
In that vein I have a couple of questions I hope you will answer:
1.) What was it about me or my journal that got you to sign on in the first place. Be honest, if it was just because you know
minerva_fan let me know... but if there's another reason you stayed, let me know that too.
2.) What about other people's journals (ans specifically their Info Page) catches your attention and makes you stop take a look and freind?
3.) What do you think some of the more fun ways to use an info page is?
4.) What about some info pages just makes you want to stop and ask WTF? Possibly before tossing a WMD at the info page?
5.) Let's talk about daily posts. What do you find entertaining in a daily post? What keeps you reading someone's live journal?
6.) What makes you respond to someone's live journal. I see some people who can engage seven or more responses every time you post, what do you think inspires that kind of response? (Short of antagonizing your reader that is.)
7.) How important are user icons? What kinds of icons make you connect with another LJ user? What about mood themes, how much of a factor in your browsing over to or staying at, or responding to someone else's LJ do mood themes play?
8.) Last question. What do you think my strengths are as an LJ content provider? What do you think I need to work on? (Ok, so it was a two parter.)
Thanks guys for sticking with me through the questions, and thank you to those of you who answered - this information will be invaluable to me.