Dec 25, 2004 21:36
So im sitting hear..Drinkin hot chocolate..Listenin to music..And relating to the lyrics...I Like doing that ..its sweet if u hear the right shit ya kno..
So neways..Yeah to day is christmas..And its been a very eventful day.."sigh"..well ALOT of people called to say merry that was kool...But yeah my best friend didnt bother to i said w, yeah i got a lotta neat things...yes i said neat lol..the list is to long to explain..But my favorite thing was my new radio..and i got a sub..and i hooked the sub up to my stereo..and it sounds sweet as hell..o yeah i finally got
Scott got a new cell hes all excited about that so ..
so yeah my bday is in 3 days..and for the longest time i just thought it was gonna be another boring ..depressing day like it is every year..becuz everyone forgets..But this year Scott wants to take me snow boarding for my CANT WAIT!..If i like it i wanna get a nice ass snow board like his...But he said i should expect to i do..
UmM lets see ..O ya!..I bleeched the black out of my the roots are bleach ass blond..then after the blond its redish orange..and then black looks kinda sweet ..and i didnt even mean for that to justdidnt want black i figure ill leave it liek this for a while..and then dye over thta ...And then i put high lights in my hair...they are light so they are not like omg look at her hair..ya kno..But they are gonna re do them brighter though...I think..
Alright well im bored..and i still gotta pack my shit i can go bac to mel tomarrow and hang out with scott!..
God i hate them lien ass bitches!!