And I hear this calling, still you don't seem so far at all.

Aug 28, 2006 22:31

I think I might withdraw out of my art class. I went to the first real one I guess tonight, and it was ok. We just di a bunch of gesture drawings from charcol, and it was pretty cool at first, but not for doing it for two hours. I pretty much got sick of it. I never used Charcol before though, it was kind of interesting. My right hand was completly black though lol.

But she said that we were going to do a bunch of still life. I hate still life. It's so boring.

I have until Wed at 1:30 to deside. Because I can just go and withdraw out of it after Biology.

Plus if I do, I can get an extra 8 hours in at work, which would help me out, considering that since I have a class tuesday/thursday this semester, I'm losing like 7 hours a week than I used to. So yeah, I could be making more money, which I need.

But yeah, Biology was ok.

We were doing the Hay experiment and I was getting hay and putting it in a beaker and my professor was there and he was like "You look strangly familiar, did I have you last semester for something? Nutrition maybe?" And I was like "No you had me for this class, I'm retaking it." And his mouth like dropped and he was like "Why did I give you a bad grade?" And I was like "Well I got a C- and if I need to transfer, I need a higher grade." And he was like "Oh ok." And that was that pretty much lol.

I hate my car. My window on my drivers side fell in my door again. And it was starting to rain, and I had to drive to class. And there was no way in hell I wanted to leave my car in the school parking lot 6:30-9:30 with an open window. My car would probably be gone then lol. But I took it to Ron and Bob's and they put some clamp in it unitl the part comes in. Stein was there. His hair was like, completly gone lol.

So I don't thnk I can get Sailor Moon until like a ntoher 3 or 4 days. Like I guess I won it. I got an e-mail that said ti was mine, but I need to send feeback to the person. I tried but it was like "Your account needs to be at least 5 days old to leave feedback." And I was like uh.. gay? So I don'tthink I can get it until I leave feedback, which I thnk I can do on tuesday. And if that's the case and it gets sent out after that, I'll probably get it like thursday or friday.

I better get it. I'll be pissed if I don't.

Ugh work tomorrow. Val works with me now, that should be fun. I wonder if she'll fire anyone else...

Jill is comming back though. UGH. Jill. I guess it's only on Wed though, and I don';t work Wed. =D Densie hasn't told Connie yet. Connie hates Jill.  And Connie works on Wed, and Denise dpesn't lol.

Yeah there's my update.

I'm gonna go shower, and maybe draw and watch The Notebook, since I borrowed it from Marika and still havent' seen it all the way through lol.

I hope I didn't have anything to go for Geology lol.

Till next time..

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