Nov 30, 2004 00:31
well half an hour ago my 16th birthday ended...i had soo much fun hangin with friends sleepin and mom made me a chocolate cake with those spongebob sugar decoretion thingys...and my rents got me a cell soo happy...neyways i kan legally get a job all i gots to do is apply fer got to wear my happy birthday button to skewl, ive had that thing since kindergarden...and everyone was freekin goin up to me and sayin happy birthday and stuff...and my friend kimmi stole my chips at lunch...kimmi ifur readin this ur goin have yet to think of sumwhere to apply fer a job...i applied at mcdonalds 2 months ago so i duno wtf's goin on with them...i might go werk fer wendys cuz none of my friends werk there so there wont b any i g2 make like a tom and cruise so ill tt ya'll l8ter peece.