Mar 25, 2006 08:46
This week has really been good.
And I really mean REALLY good.
It's very pleasing.
Monday: Got all worked up to go to OSU and then I found out that we didn't really have it, because OSU is on Spring Break. So instead of banging on drums half an hour away, I went to my room and banged on my drumset instead. It's not the same. hahaha
Tuesday: Got new music in Symphonic Band. It goes by the name Stormworks. I hope North people start to like this one, because I think we're stuck with this one and from who I've talked to, some Symphonic people haven't liked it. At least I think it sounds really really cool on the recording. We'll see.
Wednesday: This might have been the day at lunch where Josh Lundfelt talked really funny. I think I started crying because I was laughing so hard. It was the funniest-sounding thing ever. Went to Cap Band that night. Dr. Kopetz yelled at me for trying to pack up early, which I thought was ridiculous, because percussionists have X amount of supplies to put away. I got over it though.
Thursday: Got another new piece in band called Council Oak, which is by the amazing David Gillingham, writer of The Echo Never Fades. I'm really liking how it's sounding... especially since I have an awesome vibe part. Then I went to Footloose practice and showed Courtney Mansfield how to play the bass line for The Flower Garden for Yoshi's Island. If I can get some more people to play that with me, that would rock.
Friday: Best day of the week. For starters, McBroom wasn't at math class, so we had Mr. Banas as a sub, who really had no idea what he was doing, so we (the class) taught him how to do Algebra. Mr. Banas is a really good guy though, so we didn't mind. In Spanish, I got to sing my jingle about recycling. I got extra credit! I messed with Vogelmeier's mind in English, hopefully she'll never know. Went to Violet at the end of school and played for the little kid's spirit day. And I definitely saw myself at a younger age in the crowd. The kid was just like me. hahaha After that my brother rushed me home so I could go to lesson with Joe. I think I'm getting better at 4-mallet marimba. That excites me!
Arrived home, Maddie called, and I went to her place. I met her sister Molly, who is a pretty cool person, and saw Mrs. McGarvey, who Maddie claims is in love with me. hahaha Then Mrs. Maddie's Mom took us to MInuteman in Olde Pickerington and we got pizza, saw little kids who liked screaming, and just talked. Pizza is good. Then me and Maddie walked halfway across Pickerington to get to Central, and ended up singing band songs along the way. Saw the Secret Garden at Central. I kind of knew what to expect after seeing the movie and I thought it was done well. Mike Hardin, Bailey Roese, and Robbie Vansant did terrific jobs in it, along with many others whose names I don't know. So, me and Maddie basically had a killer time.
A good week yes? I'm thinking I'm going to go for my new routine on livejournal. People tend to like storytime, so I'll definitely keep that at least. Sounds like fun to me. We'll I have to get ready for a steel drum class and more!
See all later. Props to all.