Feb 23, 2006 18:36
Well, yesterday I lost my black eraser for my mechanical pencil in Spanish. I searched and searched the floors, but all I came up with was trash that was unworthy as an eraser. My classmates put in a furious attempt to help me find it, but all was hopeless... so I thought. When defeat rushed through my head, suddenly, my hero came out from the dust and saved the day. Maddie triumphantly held the jet black piece of gold, my heart thumping at an unmeasurable rate, thoughts rushing through my head of world peace and new innovations of the world. My love had returned to me; now I could erase in peace, knowing that I had the greatest eraser ever.
I woke up this morning and realized that my voice was progressively fading. I didn't mind that so much, but it is still getting worse as I write. Good thing I don't have to talk to make my entries.
Before school I went to the band room to do the hokey-pokey and turn myself around. I enjoy making myself looking like an idiot and not caring what looks people give me. It's nice.
History-Super easy test I probably aced. Probably the best i've felt about a test all this six weeks.
Physics-Did this really really fun lab where we had to use motion detectors and match our movement with a computer program. I did ok, I guess, but I never know since Andrew and Byron love making fun of me. They do a good job though.
Math-I am officially owning the chapter we are on right now, finishing my homework in 3:23 seconds flat. Actually, I just made that up, but it was still pretty fast.
Spanish-Mrs. Perkins decided to get our class cream sticks from this place I've never heard of for no reason. they were good, but WAY too filling. I was dead after one of those.
English-Got our ground for our project we're doing. We get to film a movie trailer for THE HOBBIT, and Melanie DeArdo wrote new lyrics to Gandalf, and I'm doing stuff on Garageband. should be fun.
Lunch-played this really fun game at Jasmine's table where we saw the truth about how people felt about others. I had so much fun.
Jazz Band-Got to play; that made me happy
Footloose-I wish Koehler would let me play more vibraphone. I really want to play Vibraphone. hahaha In my dreams
Have you seen us?
-TI-83 Graphing Calculator
-Black Eraser (again!)
-Footloose music
-OSU Percussion Ensemble music-Look hard for this one!!