(no subject)

Mar 02, 2010 16:44

i have a bad feeling about the show this friday, everything seems to be falling into place, ive got 2 paintings pretty much done, and i have ideas for another on paper. the table fee isnt that much so i only have to sell one painting to make my money back, my mom can watch the kids eairly so i can drive out there and set up. i have the feeling no one is going to "get" my stuff, and im going to be getting dirty looks from old ladies that see my vampire with a boner painting.

on a brighter note, im creating again. im not sure if this weird but if i go too long without making/painting something i start getting headaches. although i get headaches all the time, perhaps being creative makes them go away faster, i dont know. its not cancer though, ive been to the dotctor.
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