Apr 26, 2004 15:46
Abortion?: i think it depends on the situation, it should never be used as a method of birth control... but mistakes do happen, as long as you correct it right away... almost like a get out of jail free card...you only get one though
Death Penalty?: i think its good in a way, the people that receive it should die the same way that they killed their victims, or what ever. but let them rot in jail for a while
Prostitution?: hey, fat ugly, coke head's need to get some too... but then if you were paying for it, wouldent you rather have a hot chick?
Alcohol?: bring it on. ive never touched the stuff......right
Marijuana?: after my drug test perhaps, its been like a month or so since i last have
Other drugs?: their choice, cock, i mean coke is popular now, but what ever, only sugar salt, and some other assorted food, will ever be snorted up my nose
Gay marriage?: as long as there is no penis entering my body, i could care less, i have no problem with gay people, lesbians are awesome
Illegal immigrants?: get the fuck out, but if you are gunna stay here, take a showe (everyday) and lern to speak english, you fuck.
Smoking?: my biggest turn off...other then penis'
Drunk driving?: is fun as fuck
Cloning?: i'd clone hot chicks if i could
Racism?: is retarded, i can think of many other things to not like a person for other then the color of their skin. i even had a black roomate once. and ive never said the n word. not in like 5 years at least
Premarital sex?: as much as i can, even funner then drunk driving...but having premarital sex, while driving drunk, is just like heaven on florida. but is it really premarital sex, if you never plan on getting married?
Religion?: people rely on it too much, live life for yourself, im cathloic, but made it my own. i believe what I BELIEVE, not what others tell me to.
The war in Iraq?: hey, we need the oil.
Bush?: PRESIDENT DOUCHE. hes a moron. 'nuff said
Downloading music?: fuck metallica, greedy bastards. REAL bands, make their money off touring, not their cd's, so as long as the kids are listing to your music, which is "the reason your making music, for the kids right?" fuck you, let them download your shit, it will make you more money in the long run, you get new kids into your music, which in return they go to your shows, and buy shit.
The legal drinking age?: is too high, but im 21 now, so it really doesnt effect me...but its kinda fucked up that you can die for your country, but you cant drink a beer. fuck it, i should be president
Porn?: HELL YEA!
Suicide?: i'll give you the knife, no one likes you anyways, and when your gone, no one will cry... not really, i think its really sad when some one has to resort to that. i just lost a friend over it, its a shitty thing people now adays are so wraped up in their petty bull shit, they cant realize their loved ones and friends, have REAL problems, and have no one listing to them.