uh hyuck!

Feb 01, 2004 16:56

my friend was accepted to UNC, he is black.
his grades are the equivalent of a white female at my school. she was not accepted.
my white male friend has better grades than my black friend, and he was also not accepted.

the white female is upset with the black male. is that fair?

can he help that he is black? can she help that she is white? no.
it is not fair of her to be upset with him over this matter.
i understand being upset with the system.
perhaps it is because of the fact that i am a minority, but i feel the government support of minorities is still needed in this country.
i like to think i was accepted to UNC on my academic record, and not because of the color of my skin or the place of my birth. i may be wrong, and i don't know exactly how i feel about that.

none of this rant makes sense, and i dont care. i just want to hear more opinions on it.

tyler said it well, "schools dont accept anymore really, they recruit"

something about all this bothers me. i suppose i didnt have a true opinion on affirmative action until my friends became involved.


and another thing...
i was working at food lion earlier last year, and i remember this happening:
woman - "oh sorry i hit spanish on accident. why do they even have spanish on here, if you can't speak english you shouldn't be in this country!"
cashier - "uh heh..."
woman - " and now they are trying to implement spanish in elementary schools. bullshit. my child will not learn spanish unless i want him to, which i dont. i refuse to let these fucking immigrants take over this country and what my child learns."

i hope this women dies, and her child is given to a family who isnt ignorant and will help this child become nothing like its mother.


speak up everyone.


i have a prom date!
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