
Oct 24, 2008 06:45

Need to ramble a bit.

So I've been really frustrated by how over-simplified this election has been. Are Americans really that stupid that we need it dumbed down so much?

"Obama is a terrorist!"
"McCain is just like Bush! Republicans ruined us - we don't want more of the same!"

I feel like I'm being told about the boogy man from both sides. It's not that simple. Things are so much more complex than that.

Why can't we sit down and debate the root of it all:

Is government involvement/regulation positive or negative? Let's look at both sides of the issue and then make our decisions base on that, not gut reactions to inflamatory tv commercials.


And Mac, please. I know you're above the "terrorist" thing. Please stop - you're bugging me! People like Obama, so you're not going to change that with the boogy man. What you can do is get your party back on your side by talking about the issues as though we're intelligent. I'm dissapointed in you...


I can't wait until this is over so we can go back to life as usual. Both sides promise change. I highly doubt that either will succeed in making a change in my life.
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