Oct 10, 2006 02:16
Not a one is ready
Still you hold my weighty lot
Without a sigh.
Put your hands upon me
Maternal and balmy
Let the Hyades cry.
Darling, please go
Turn the lights out
That I might scrutinize
Tea-leaves a’turning
And through grave exaction
I’ll set seas a'churning
Heaving and moaning
Till caverns run dry
Void of all substance
But for pipe-dreams and lye.
Is it your calling to accompany me?
Concerned about my sanity
Or does canned Christian courtesy
Goad you along?
Just a wee caveat (the least I can do)
Gouge out your eyes, lick a trickle of goo
Suck on the orbs if you feel so inclined
Let the sweet taste leave you slaked and sanguine
Feel viscous white waterfalls ooze from the sockets
You butcher your prime sense but satisfy mine!
Or have you acquired a taste for the vile?
Perhaps you won’t have to tear your face apart
At least for the while
Say, grunge and champagne?
Bowel movements and rain (the brisk, bonny kind that brings puddles to plains)?
Violence and charity...?
School is fun. Simon's Rock is great. Yay.
So the philosophical crises have gone to the back-burner. I can almost hear terms like "class conflict," "corporate imperialism," and "exploitation" without feeling sick. Almost.
What I enjoy particullarly about Simon's Rock is the substance of the arguments. Wherever you go in the world, dudes are arguing. It's just something human males do (females are usually fence-sitters and assess things internally when in mixed-company, while males tend to stick to their guns and engage in shouting matches... it is a fact observed by many, and whether it is at all innate or completely conditioned is not my concern). Anyways, since I'll have to put up with this sort of behavior regardless, at least at the Rock it's about philosophy and politics and the like (total HOGSWASH more often than not, but the finest hogswash is very shrewd and engaging to the point of hilarity, e.g. Goatonapole). I only wish that I could contribute to conversations more often. It is not that I lack knowledge (except in certain areas, like contemporary politics), I am just an ineffiecient oral communicator who is too concerned with image and impressions. What I should do is get out of my own head, for I am so fucking egocentric! Already this entry is about me, me, me. Oh well. That is one of my finest skills: personal assessment. Interpretation of my own behavior and the behavior of others.
One thing that bothers me is ideological inflexibility. My opinions are pretty fluid since I am very skeptical about sources of knowledge (the internet, Wikipedia, text books, articles with theses, speakers/group presenters with theses or political agendae). I am not sure what is true, and I don't think it is my business to determine what would be "best" for the human race or some group entirely removed from me. This is not to say I am indifferent, it is just to say that I do not think I know enough about globalization, for instance, to say that is sucks. There are statistics that indicate otherwise (standard of living increased, better distribution of wealth, etc.) But what are the critera exactly? And then there is homogenenization and disassimilation of local economy and culture. I do not intend to get into a pro/cons presentation for globalization-- this is just one of the many issues that I choose not to get up-in-arms over because I simply do not have enough information.
And this causes me a bit of stress. Some folks have crafted logically feasible arguments and practiced delivering them so many times that they can now do so with formidable eloquence. And it is disarming to someone who is pretty open-minded and easily persuaded by a well-worded, confidently articulated case. Oh, but no longer. I know better now.