last day of classes.

Dec 15, 2004 00:42

as always, not enough time. people are once again in competition mode for who has the biggest workload and stress-level here. honestly, I feel it's a waste of time, and doesn't make me feel any better. It is true that there never seems to be enough time, but that's just how it is. I would otherwise be writing a long entry with updates of generally important or noteworthy things that have gone on in the past month or so. But, I'm not much in the mood for that now. Perhaps after I'm done with everything.

THere are some minor frustrations that go along with unresponsive professors, crappy papers that STILL don't do justice to the passion I have for the subject matter because apparently I STILL am not getting to the point and whipping the content of the paper with my argument, ande this all being with the fact that I am so intrigued by it all and have been working my ass off with the material. Just some sort of verification that, yes, this is what i'm supposed to be doing. I just want to know that investing so much of myself into this isn't going to leave me nowhere. (Uggggggg.....i think the minimal 3 hours of sleep i have gotten today is getting to me. I generally don't do that because it is unhealthy and yucky, but last night I had to.)

Blah. But whatever. Despite that shittiness, I'm just gonna say "fuck you" to the roadblocks I'm encountering with this paper. Basically, it's gonna be good in the end. And that's that. A big FUCK YOU goes out to the yuckiness of this stage of the paper. FUCK YOU!!! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!!!! >:0

I had myself a good scream today after classes when elsa came into my room and starting talking. Basically, it felt good. She closed the door first, and prepared me for it. The first scream was not so good. It was just sort of weak and my voice cracked because my throat is still healing from all the coughing and hacking of the past four fucking weeks that I was sick. Anyway, then Jess came over and THEN I let out a nice, strong scream to express the discontent that I've felt today. I couldn't wait until the primal scream tonight - which was rather barbaric and scary but amusing, all those girls outside screaming at the same time. yikes.

I slept for a little bit over an hour until Hilary came over to borrow my Davidson text. We had a nice long chat and are going to meet (we're both analyzing papers by the same author) later in the week to go over Davidson who by the way is giving me hell. But it's good hell i guess.

The plan for tonight was to go to a bar somewhere in NoHo, but it's Tuesday and there probably isn't anything good going on, so that plan was nixed. And basically the whole going out idea for tonight was moot because everyone has shit to do or is just tired.


On an entirely separate note, I just have to say that

some people are such pompous asses. honestly, can one be more affected and incredibly rude? Get over yourself. You are not hot.

and i'm not gonna go any further than that because it's just gonna piss me off. bitch.
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