&&&let us get to know you...
[x]name: Matt Higley
[x]age: 17
[x]location: MI
[x]10 favorite bands: Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Arch Enemy, Thrall, Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbith, Led Zepplin, Pink Flyod, Fear Factory, Rammones
[x]best show you've been to: Kenshiro
[x]favorite shop(s): Salvation Army
[x]best accesory: My Hat
[x]favorite fashion era: Dark Ages
&&&what are your feelings on...
[x]tye dye: fucks with my head
[x]stripes and polka dots: Stripes I'm allright with, Polka dots? no
[x]white belts: whats the point?
[x]bandanas: can't stand them
[x]scarves: Can be fun
[x]buttons: if they don't promote a shit band or some stupid slogan there good with me
&&&last but not least...
[x]prove your intelligence to us by saying something that sounds smart: If you really think about it... that question has nothing to do with this App.
[x]what makes you the coolest person ever? My thoughts on life have been thought out
[x]why do you want to get in? To see what you'd say
[x]how did you find out about this community? I forgot
[x]show us two places where you promoted (link please): Ha ha ha...
&&&and 3+ pictures, with at least two showing off your incredible fashion sense: