Aug 02, 2007 00:08

LuLz sequel of my rant turned wank :P

I got this for a comment yesterday.

*sigh* *puts on Flame - Resistant armor*

I saw this entry on my flist and had to stop over to see what the fuss was about. Bottom line (as usual) fandom logics =/= Earth logics.

So once again, some poor shmuck stumbles in without knowing the complex, irritating (infuriating!), and nonsensical rules of fandom and the all-mighty ffrants and gets promptly labelled a troll and mocked for..what again? Oh, yea - complaining because you had up a frankly disgusting icon. Chibi? Riiiight. I have plenty of nifty little chibis in my own icon cache, and let me tell you what, internets - your icon, quite honestly, DOES look like two babies screwing, and that's exactly what you intended it to be. got all pissy because somebody called you out on your icon, and instead of realizing that "hey, it IS kind of offensive!", you adopt the classic (and pathetic) Chewbacca slash/yaoi hater defense and claim "Oh, you don't like my icon so you must be a HOMOPHOBE!". No, you didn't actually say homophobe, but the "you probably just hate it because it's two guys kissing!!11" made it clear enough.

Bottom lines:

- I can't honestly recall the last time I saw a NWS icon that actually WAS a m/f one. So the slash/yaoi crowd is all hypersensitive and basically parades their own choices around like some sort of gay pride thing and gets totally defensive/up in arms/batshit whenever anyone happens to suggest y'all tone the crazy down a few pegs. OMGs HOMOPHOBES!

- JUST STOP WITH THE NWS ICONS. YOU WILL NOT DIE WITHOUT THEM. Srsly, would it REALLY kill you guys to have normal icons like the rest of us (And before you jump on the HOMOPHOBE!!! defense again, I mean ALL NFS icons)? It's clearly apparent that anyone using one is an attention whore, anyway, since 9/10 times, they usually lead to wank.

- Your comment of "How do you know it isn't two babies wrestling?!" is an even bigger FAIL than JKR's attempts to patch up her plot holes in her most recent interviews. Seriously, "I think it's disturbing that your boss would immediately think of that! PEDOPHILE!!" is equally retarded. I am so very struck and astonished by your particular brand of stupid I'm seriously considering breaking my stupid_free posting virginity for this.

- Also, "For the God's sake, there are penis, cock, dick, vagina words everywhere over the damn front page of community." is also epic FAIL. Having an explicit icon blasted in your face =/= a word that someone would actually have to look hard/actually be really reading the page to see. It's a helluva lot easier to spot a NWS icon like yours than ONE WORD on a page. Duh! *beats with clue-by-four*

Seriously, thanks a ton for reminding me why I stopped even visiting ffrants and found different fandom communities with more actual discussion and less batshit.

/common sense tirade
And my expression was like this when I first saw it in my mailbox.
O_o -> WTF? -> o_O -> LOL -> LMSAO -> (add more as you like)

This week is my happy wanky week, isn't it? LOL.

Deathly Hallow

Well, got PDF file last Friday, since I'm waiting for boxset release, I don't buy DH yet. It was proofed that the file is not fake one. But I'm still a bit disappointed, since I have seen how neat 1-6 book in PDF form was done. Even thought, I still don't have time to read yet.

Also what I have for HP series now are: VCD movie 1-3, vol 1-5 my language edition (completely fail on translating), vol 6 UK edition children cover (again I failed by getting it too late).

Hard Disk Issue

My HD (120GB) is now almost full of anime and Yaoi manga scans :P And this is why I don't have time to read DH. I did marathon watching Digimon and Pokemon since last week. For last long weekend I just ended up watchin 40+ episodes and burned 8 DVDs in data form.


Need to list up doujinshi I want from Natsu Comiket this weekend. And we have to send system my team was developing for 6 months for customers test in next week as well. I'll be more busy from now.

hp, deathly hallow, crap, rl, zomg i wank, anime, pokemon, digimon, lol

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