Some random Aveyond fic notes while I'm waiting for my
campfuckudie app to go up for voting. Probably won't make much sense if you haven't played the game.
- Currently writing a fic about Lars and Elini. Not Lars/Elini, just them interacting. Because I find it entertaining how Elini seems to effortlessly top Lars just by, like. Existing.
- More specifically: They have an interesting sort of chemistry whenever they interact in the game. (Which wasn't nearly enough. There should've been a lot more character interaction, period.) Not romantic chemistry, much as Lars might wish otherwise, but... Okay, so there's quite a bit of attraction on Lars' side, because she's a gorgeous, exotic-looking woman whose weapon is a freaking whip, and he's an eighteen-year-old boy. But I also got the sense that she breaks his brain nearly as badly as Rhen does, if for different reasons. Because he is not used to being around sexually experienced women who are upfront about their sexuality. Much less women from cultures where polyandry is the norm. So, at least at first, being around Elini causes much inward flailing and "ASGLADHDH"ing.
- For Elini's part, she finds Lars' prickliness and arrogance amusing; on the whole, she thinks he's rather cute, in a snarly puppy sort of way. His reaction to the fact that she has three husbands threw her a bit, though; even though she knew intellectually that her way of life is only the norm in Veldt and the surrounding area, it was still disconcerting to find that cultural/sexual norms that she takes for granted are considered odd or even bizarre in the areas outside her home. So it's been a learning experience all around, really. Go go cultural exchange! Though she still can't for the life of her understand how northern women can be satisfied with only one husband.
- Elini's voice is interesting to write because she speaks very formally, but is also extremely blunt. It's not that she's rude; she just doesn't get the purpose of obfuscating the truth with evasions or lies.
- Lars also tends to be blunt, but only when he's feeling confident. (Which is 90% of the time, so... yeah, tends to be blunt.) You can tell that he's lying or feeling insecure when he blusters without actually saying anything. He tries to use elaborate phrasing, but isn't very good at it; he breaks down into spluttering when pressed.
- More fun Lars facts to know and tell: His sorcery manifested itself when he was five and he telekinetically shattered a plate against the wall while having a temper tantrum. Since then, his mother has doted on him and showered him with praise in order to keep him from accidentally hurting someone. He revels in the attention, but secretly wonders how much of her billing and cooing comes from genuine feelings instead of just residual fear. His father spends most of his time in Veldarah; he married Lars' mother out of political necessity, and it's common knowledge that he lives with a mistress. Lars resents him a bit for that, but they're generally civil to each other.
...Did I just give Lars an emo backstory? Huh. Guess I did.
- On Rhen and Lars: Meeting Rhen was basically the best thing that's ever happened to him. Before he met her, he had absolutely no cause to doubt himself, and no reason to strain himself more than absolutely necessary; he was talented, knew that he was talented, and never had anyone tell him otherwise. But then Rhen comes along, a slave girl, literally the lowest of the low, and basically says "WTF no you're not better than me." Which stung him, because no one had ever looked down on him before, or called him on his behavior. She made him feel like he needed to prove himself, and become as good as he claimed to be.
...Overanalyzing a computer game? Who, me?