My Confluence Schedule

Jul 10, 2011 19:17

Confluence is just around the corner, 22 - 24 July 2011 in Pittsburgh. Confluence is near and dear to my heart-it’s the convention put on by Parsec, the Pittsburgh area Science Fiction Club.

Mike and I joined Parsec in September 2004, when we attended a pre-Worldcon BBQ hosted by Wen Spencer. Wen is a former-Pittsburghian-we met the members of the club there and had a great time. We’ve been members ever since.

We/I have attended several Confluences since then (we missed a couple that conflicted with cat show commitments). But this is the first Confluence I’m attending as a panelist/guest.

Without further ado, here is my weekend schedule for Confluence:

Saturday, 23 July 2011
2pm Sizzlin’ Steampunk - Cogs, Clicks and venting vapors
Elektra Hammond (m), Alan Katerinsky, Michelle Sagara, Kevin Geiselman

8pm Small Press Publishing - A New Respectability
Eric Beebe (m), Elektra Hammond, Chris Pisano, Brian Koscienski

10pm Erotic Readings/discussion
KT Pinto, Elektra Hammond

Sunday, 24 July 2011
12pm Reading
Elektra Hammond

I’m really looking forward to these panels-I love steampunk in any format, and I’d love to hear what everyone has to say on the panel. It will be my first try at moderating, so we’ll see whether the lesson I took at the feet of the master works out. I’m also looking forward to talking about small press with the fun guys from Fortress Press, and looking forward to meeting lots of new friends.

The reading on Sunday will be from my story in the just published In an Iron Cage: The Magic of Steampunk, Saturday’s late night reading will be a selection concerning very, very naughty weresnakes, courtesy of my friend Stella Price.

See you there!

ETA: I have been in contact with Geis, and he will be at the Steampunk panel. W00t!

Mirrored from Until Midnight and Occasionally Later.

in an iron cage, small press, science fiction conventions, steampunk

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