Catching up on last week--Saturday at the Faerie Festival

May 21, 2010 02:41

Saturday we hopped in the truck, motored south to Perry Hall Maryland to pick up our friend Ksenia, stopped for a bit to say hi to the family, then continued southerly to Upper Marlboro and the Maryland Faerie Festival. There were more people than I have ever in my life expected to see--with gauzy faerie wings. If I get caught up, I'll post pictures of some of them.
There was a horse dressed up as a unicorn (a very patient horse) and tended to by a faerie, a petting zoo, pony rides, musical performances, food, people selling stuff, parties of green men and all sorts of interesting stuff to see. We got to say hi to Danielle Ackley-McPhail, in her persona as Sidhe na Daire, selling books and costume horns and telling stories. I also had Elaine Corvidae sign a few books, and picked up some interesting costume pieces, including a real nice steampunk necklace and mini-tophat. We also picked up a gorgeous dragon mobile to hang on the front porch.
Later, we decided that the nibbles we had at the fair were inadequate, so we stopped at a diner on the way back to Chez McKenzie, and had another meal before we dropped Ksenia off. Then we spent an hour or so visiting people and cats before heading back to Delaware.

on the road again

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