Usually I use weekends to clean my apartment because I tend to not during the week. I'm not terribly messy but Minerva is so I like to pick up whatever trash she's appropriated as a toy and sweep up the cat litter she just can't keep in her box. I'll put away the clothes I've left on a chair and clean the bathroom a bit. Sometimes I don't feel like doing any of that. Today is one of those days.
It is also a day when I don't feel like applying for jobs. I never do. Ugg. I'm so lazy and it's my own fault now that I haven't found anything because I don't apply for anything and I know that.
I absolutely did not get teary. Shut up. "Senator Biden is now my homeboy"
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Well this might be the most adorable thing ever. Also, good answer, Biden.
Fail, y'all! The one thing y'all could've said to get me to watch Merlin is "Anthony Stewart Head is in it and he's pretty hot" and I would've WATCHED IMMEDIATELY. Weeks ago. Now I've been putting it off and I'm weeks behind and who knows when I'll get to it. I haven't even managed to watch the Eli Stone I missed and I know I like that show.
Ooooh now Sarah Palin's wearing cheap clothes again. That soooo makes up for the $150,000 of NOT HER MONEY already spent on her wardrobe and accessories IN A MONTH. Bitch, please.
"Be creative. Set a goal." "Right. I'll take a nap." Frankly, that is so totally what I would do if I was retired. Also, I would totally retire right now if I could.
Scotty's thinking "does your sister know she's coming to dinner?" Hee.
Aww, I like Tommy and Saul not hating each other and talking. Well they're mostly civil.
Could've seen this coming. Bet this is what pushes Kevin to work for Robert.
"I love her like a sister, not sister, now my brother's girl friend." Hee!
"I'm not gonna leave you!" Ok, I admit it, I kind of liked Justin and Rebecca in that moment. God. I'm turning to the dark side.
"You should hear him on a night when he doesn't make partner." Heh, Robert.
Aww. Kevin.
Ok, back to being squicked by Justin and Rebecca. Things are right with the world again.
I kind of like Scotty's dad. He seems like less of an asshole than Scotty's mother.
"We'd love to, but we're extremely busy." Hee hee! I love Robert.
It's a set up! Run, Nora! Haha. "Try the seafood salad, it's fantastic." Hee, Justin!