TV catch up and such

Sep 28, 2008 23:02

Oh Clark. You dumbass! I haven't watched Smallville in a while but even I could so clearly tell that Chloe was, even if it was subconsciously, hoping you'd declare you loved her and that she shouldn't marry Jimmy. I don't think I'm reading my Chlarkness into that either. Her expression was clearly one of disappointment when he told her he just wanted her happiness and that she'd be happy with Jimmy. And Clark, oh Clark. You are, in other areas, losing your BDAness but when it comes to Chloe I fear you will always bee a BDA.

Y'all by this point I don't care if Chlois happens. I don't think it will. I never really thought it would but now I think so even less. And I've let go of enough of my Chlark otpness not to care. Too much. My main issue with it not happening is that that means he'll end up with this Lois and that's something not even Clark in all his BDAness deserves. I think, as long as it's done right, which I realize it most likely won't be and hasn't been, I could be content with Chloe running Isis and helping other meteor infected people and occasionally working with the JLA. I like the idea of her making something good out of Lana's evil little idea. It's not my first choice for her, but as a second choice it's not bad. I do not want her married to Jimmy Olsen in this second choice.

My point is, that while I have no delusions that Chlois will happen at this point since they're working hard to rewrite this Lois Lane's complete history (I have to wonder if maybe PS3 are trying to fix where they think AlMiles went wrong when it comes to Lois only by fixing her they're pissing off a pretty significant fanbase who, you know, actually watched the show and recognizes it for the bullshit it is) to make her fill the role she should've been filling all along (I will always maintain that introducing Lois Lane as a semi-regular was the biggest mistake they made because Lois Lane should never have been a part of Clark Kent's pre-Superman existence) I would at least like a real Chlark relationship. Just once. Dating, making out, the whole shebang and then an amicable break up at which point Chloe will move on to Oliver Queen. I'm just sayin'.

Dude. The Duchess and the Stepson are dirty. Dude. Also, I think that might be a romance novel title somewhere. If not it probably will be.

Hee. I am kind of totes on board with a pseudo-friendship between Dan and Chuck.

Haha! "Why can't I look away?" Word, Dan, word.

I feel in the minority because I don't hate Dan. Or Serena. Although no doubt they are more entertaining apart.

Man, they have the most lax uniform dress code of a school with uniforms I've ever seen. "That shouldn't be weird at all." Heh.

Haha. Man I do enjoy watching Blair get her bitch on.

Hmm. Amanda's annoying.

Ahaha. Chuck is in a purple suit with a bow tie. Oh Chuck.

Aww, Lily, I love you but you brought it on yourself when you picked Bart over Rufus.

Vanessa you are a goddamn fool. Let Blair handle these things. She's got more experience.

Dude. Chuck. That is a super elaborate plan. Wow. I'm impressed.

Hmm. I'm torn about Privileged. On one hand I find Will very charming and hot and he and Megan are cute together. New headmaster guy is also cute and charming. On the other hand, I love Charlie too and I am a very big fan of best friends who end up falling in love (I can't help it! I adore it. It makes sense to me. I don't think all best friends end up falling in love but it makes sense too when it does happen. Also, it's really good in romance novels when the plot only takes place over a few days because it does away with that whole "but they don't really know each other" thing). I think, assuming the show lasts, I'd be happy if Charlie and Megan ended up together but I'm ok with her dating other people in the interim because I also like Charlie and Megan's friendship.

Jobs applied for today: 1. I'm such a slacker. But I haven't found a lot of jobs I want to apply for lately and that deadline is Tuesday. I figure this might work to my advantage if they received a lot of apps at the beginning but didn't like a lot they might find mine at the end and think I'm awesome. I have a few more to apply for next weekend and I'm sure I'll get bored at work one day this week and do the job hunt thing again.

I still get the gyuhs when it comes to Justin and Rebecca. Like so much.

Haha. Sarah's letter is a fabulous work of fiction. Hee. Haha. Yeah a Walker dinner is certainly a sight to behold since it almost always ends in bloodshed. Figuratively and literally.

"Or more likely she sat down one night, cracked open a bottle of merlot, and wrote until she lost consciousness." Haha! Robert probably speaks the truth. You know it.

I like that Rebecca is still part of the group. I don't like that once they find out about Rebecca and Justin that will not last. Really, I'm not sure why I dislike them so much except that for almost a year they considered themselves brother and sister related by blood.

Mitch Pileggi! I hope he's not an asshole.

Oh god. Do not invite your family to a stranger's house. They'll blow it up. Or burn it down. Or flood it. Either way they'll destroy that fucker faster than you can say Walker Family Dinner.

Haha! "Oh crap oh crap oh crap." Hee! I love uncle Justin. Uncle Justin and aunt Rebecca I cannot handle. Ugg. I can't watch it. Ew. Busted.

"What are you doing?" "Moving every thing my family can break." Hee.

"What and leave my family unchaperoned? I don't think so." Hee.

"Kevin's making me drink outside." "Me too." Haha! Well honestly that's the best place for them to drink.

Oh my god. What did they break. Oh my god. I think Kevin is gonna puke. Haha.

"Mom, please, don't even try. I'm inconsolable."

Haha! "Yeah, Rebecca and I have started dating." "Not now sweetheart." "We kind of assumed that." Hee! That was kind of funny. I don't approve of their relationship but that most of them already assumed anyway was amusing.

"Wow, you guys make politics look tame." You know, I gotta agree with Robert. And sometimes it is really hard to like Sarah. I prefer drunk Sarah to bitchy self-righteous Sarah.

Well, what, was she not going to tell them until or unless they got married? Like was she going to tell them at the wedding? She should've thought about that she started making out with her former brother.

"You're not gonna let me off the hook here are you?" "Is that what you came for?" Well go Robert for standing up for your wife.

My knees are killing me.

Oh Kevin. It sucks to be you.

Oh man do not piss off Nora Walker. She will hit you where it hurts.

Y'all I think I can really get behind a Robert who stands up to Kitty's family for her. It hits a protective kink of mine like crazy.

smallville: clark/chloe, brothers and sisters, smallville: chloe sullivan, gossip girl, smallville

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