How I Met Your Mother pimp post

Apr 26, 2008 20:52

Apparently some people (coughsvilleficrecscough) needed to be pimped on the awesomeness that is How I Met Your Mother. I believe she has now seen the light, but that it took her this long makes me feel as though I somehow failed the internets and my flist. So in case there are some of you still resisting the awesome that is HIMYM let this post enlighten you.

I think I shall break this into parts, how many depends on how lazy I get.

(Dude, how have I never seen this picture?)

Barney (in the bathtub) played by Neil Patrick Harris. Barney is Awesome. He's also a bit of an ass to women and will pretty much go to any length if it means getting a woman in the sack. Even telling her he loves her, that an apartment that isn't his is his, and telling her he wants to get married . . . and then leaving her in the apartment to meet the real owners. Barney's willingness to do almost anything to get sex could make him a despicable human being with no redeeming qualities, but Barney is more than his love for the ladies and that's why we love Barney. Barney is also the devil on his friends shoulders. If they're doing something ridiculous or possibly illegal chances are it is Barney's fault. But Barney is also loyal to his friends (even when he's mocking them) and he has a softer side (e.g. crying at Lily and Marshall's wedding or flying out to San Francisco to give Lily a plane ticket so she could come home). And NPH sells it all. Every time.

Lily and Marshall (in the doorway) played by Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segel. Lily and Marshall got married at the end of season 2 and have been together since they were college freshmen. With only one minor bump in the road when Lily freaked out. Their engagement in season 1 was the impetus for Ted to go on his mother hunting quest. Anyway, they've been together forever and they clearly love each other. They tried to date other people during the bump in season 2 and they failed. Lily is a kindergarten teacher and Marshall recently completed law school and passed the bar. To be honest, they aren't my favorite characters but together they work.

Ted (the only other dude in the photo) played by Josh Radnor. Ted is the one telling the story of how he met his kids mother. He, Marshall, and Lily have known each other the longest. Ted and Marshall were roommates their freshmen year of college and have pretty much been roommates ever since. Ted lives with Marshall and Lily (although Marshall and Lily have recently bought a new apartment) and it's a pretty awesome threesome. Ted is an architect who has been on a quest to find the woman he's going to marry since season 1. He dated Robin for almost all of season 2 even though the audience knew she wasn't the mother, that fact having been established in season 1 by SagetTed. SagetTed is future Ted as narrated by Bob Saget.

Robin (the seated chick) played by Cobie Smothers. Robin is the most recent addition to the group (with Barney being 2nd most recent. I believe he met Ted, Lily, and Marshall in 2003) and is a Canadian import. She currently anchors some local cable news show. Robin initially dated Ted at the beginning of the series but freaked when he was all "I love you" way too early so dumped him. But she became friends with the group. Robin can be annoying at times, but is mostly awesome. She is also the one most like Barney. Both are a bit commitment phobic and when Barney can't convince Ted to suit up with him he can usually convince Robin to do so. She'll play laser tag with him, smoke a cigar with him, even help him pick up chicks. And as much as all 5 of them are friends, Barney and Robin can't compete with the history the other 3 have so I do think that they've become so close almost out of self-preservation.

And, oh yeah, she was a Canadian pop star named Robin Sparkles when she was a teenager. I don't know whose idea that was, but whoever came up with it was a friggin genius.

So there's Marshall and Lily. Married. They're cute and all but really, as far as my current ship tendencies go I'm not all about an already established pairing. But they do have awesomely cute moments.

Ted and Robin. I dislike Ted and Robin. I felt they were an absolutely pointless pairing. Oh they had their moments, but if I'm going to ship a couple I have to do it with at least the hope they'll get a happily ever after. Almost from the beginning we knew that wasn't going to happen for them so I spent most of season 2 waiting for them to break up.

Ted and Lily. This pairing is almost entirely in my head, but oh this show, proving why I love it, almost gave it to me. Oh, not that Lily was going to dump Marshall for Ted or that they even had a fling. But in one awesome episode with flashbacks to their college years we were shown that Ted and Lily drunkenly kissed. Of course, the show also cruelly snatched that away from me but for a few minutes it existed. Mostly I remain a little convinced that Ted has secretly harbored a crush on Lily for years but won't ever say anything and is mostly over it. I figure in another 10 years it might come up, once he's met the mother, that he used to crush on Lily.

Barney and Lily. Man. I kind of loved that one episode in season 2 where Lily pretended to be Barney's wife so he'd have an excuse to kick the latest chick out of his apartment. But, again, really no chance of ever happening.

Barney and Robin. CANON OTP, BABY! Ok. So. Barney and Robin are awesome. Have been for ages. I can't remember when I started shipping them but it was probably in the first season ep when she first suited up with Barney and Barney thought they were gonna have sex and they just ended up playing Battleship. As I said, they're really a lot a like. They don't really do commitment, she's not as callous as he can be with who she dates, but still neither really seem on the marriage and babies track. Since that season 1 ep they've had a lot of moments that were really upped in season 3. So he and Robin really became good friends. The show didn't show it a lot, but there were moments that indicated they were operating on the same wave length whether it was laughing at the same joke, sharing looks when someone, usually Ted, did something stupid, and of course all the sitting next to each other. That's a sign of love if I ever saw one. Heh. But really, they're awesome. And are now CANON thanks to "Sandcastles in the Sand".

Also, there were many theories about Barney and Robin hooking up. I, along with many other people, subscribed to the theory that they'd secretly been hooking up all season long. However, I also had hope that we'd eventually get an episode that either flashbacked to the first hook up or, if the secret dating theory wasn't true, showed us when they hooked up. I, like many other people, did not expect this to happen for at least another few seasons. That's why HIMYM is awesome. Because while most of us could tell that the show was at least open to the possibility no one really expected it to happen so soon.

No HIMYM pimping post is complete without a video of "Let's Go to the Mall".

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"Let's Go to the Mall" was Robin's (as Robin Sparkles) most popular song when she was a Canadian pop star. It was revealed in one of the most genius HIMYM episodes ever: "Slap Bet".

The premise of "Slap Bet" is basically that Robin doesn't like to go to malls but refuses to tell anyone why so they spend the time trying to figure it out. Popular theory: Robin was married in a mall and Robin did porn. There was a bet, a slap bet, between Marshall and Barney over the nature of the secret. Marshall slapped Barney, Barney slapped Marshall, and when it was discovered that Robin Sparkles was not Robin's porn name but her pop star name Lily, as slap bet commissioner gave Barney the option of being slapped 10 times all at once or 5 times spread over eternity and he would never know when they were coming. Barney chose that option, which in itself has led to one of the best running gags of the show (see: "Slapsgiving" and that episode where Lily's in a play). But in any case, Robin wasn't a porn star and "Let's Go to the Mall" wasn't a porn video. It was a music video. And it was all awesome.

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"Sandcastles in the Sand" was season 3's follow up to "Let's Go to the Mall". In Robin's words it was her artistic follow up. It is not as awesome as "Let's Go to the Mall" but it is still fantastic. Also, the BEST EPISODE EVER. Because, hello, CANON OTP. Ahem. Anyway, in this episode Robin is awaiting the appearance of her old high school boyfriend who broke her heart (played by the Beek who is fat and bald. Granted, it's make up, but it does feel karmically right) and this old boyfriend alerts Barney to the presence of another Robin Sparkles video. Which he doesn't find, but in the end Robin shows it to him anyway because Barney was an awesome friend who comforted her in a very Barney way when Fat Beek dumped her again.

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The slap bet.

Since I mentioned "Slapsgiving" I should show you "You Just Got Slapped" which was the song Marshall created in honor of slapping Barney at Thanksgiving after a season long (up to that point anyway) countdown of the next slap (and someone more attentive than I will have to tell you what number that is. I think it's 3, but it may be 4).

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This video is here because it demonstrates that even if it was off screen Barney was still trying to get in Robin's pants.

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Oh and this video where Robin volunteers to be the woman Barney hits on. And I totally want to know what he whispered.

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Ok, this is genius. It's from the same episode as the above. And it is only genius if you know any thing about Doogie Howser, M.D. but trust me when I say it is genius and an example of just why HIMYM rocks so goddamn hard. Also, Barney's blog has been another awesome running joke since season 1.

I could post a video of the end of "Sandcastles in the Sand" but I want to leave that be in case you're unspoiled (btw, I was pissed on my sister's behalf because she hasn't seen it yet and CBS is already giving away the goods with the promo for next week)

Ted: [to Barney] Don't say "legendary." You're too liberal with the word "legendary."
Barney: We're building an igloo in Central Park. It's going to be legendary! Snowsuit up!

Ted's Voiceover: And that was when I realised why I hung out with Barney. I never got where I thought I wanted to go, but I always got a great story.

[At a homeless shelter]Ted: What are you doing here?
Barney: The Lord's work.
Ted: But you're Satan!

Marshall: [talking about their wedding] I've been waiting for this day since I was...
Lily: ... a little girl?
Barney: Whaddup? [gives Lily high five]

Barney: You are forcing me to be the voice of reason. And that’s not a good look for me!

Marshall and Barney: NO!!!
Ted: Yes!
Marshall: Well, all skyscrapers kinda a...
Ted: Marshall, it's a 78 story pink marble tower with a rounded top and two spherical entryways at the front.
Marshall: Wow, so it's the whole package.
Barney: Ha ha ha! Yeah you did!
Marshall: Had to!
Barney: Oh, dude, if they're selling condos you gotta get me in. And don't give me the shaft.
Marshall: Yeah you did!
Barney: Had to!

Barney: Hey, guys! Guess what I got? A new dart!
Robin: Oh, wow, a new dart!
Ted: Hey, that nude art is great!
Robin: I did not know you were such a fan of "newdart", Barney!
Barney: Oh yes, Robin, I just love "newdart"...”nude art". "Nude art"!
Marshall: You found the painting, didn't you?

Ted: OH MY GODDDDD!!!!! I have a tattoo!!!!!
Barney: That's not a tattoo. That, dear boy, is a tramp stamp.
Ted: Tramp stamp?
Barney: You know, a ho tag, ass antlers, a Panama City license plate.

Barney: Think of me like Yoda but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro - I'm Broda!

Ok so no pictures other than that one at top but I'm lazy. Luckily someone else already did a picspam of Barney and Robin.

And finally, fic recs.

I've rec'd Leave No Man Behind before, but it bears repeating that this is pretty much the definitive Barney/Robin fic. It is so entirely them it's ridiculous.

A Thing Not Worth Mentioning. Another Barney/Robin fic that is very them.

Bromanian Rhapsody is equally awesome.

And that's it. I could rec all that I have on but I just realized they're all Barney/Robin. I could've sworn I had a Ted/Lily fic saved but apparently not.

ficrec, himym, picspam, links

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