Do you know an unexpected downside to the temp thing? I see all these people who have these nice, secure, real, full time jobs. They know how to do what they're doing and they get paid well to do it. And I don't have that and then seeing them makes me think I never will have that and it just depresses me more.
Ok. I love Marc and Cliff. They're adorable.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were getting drunk first thing in the morning. Is it a tribute to mom?" Heh.
Oh god, I'm older than Betty. By a year, but still. That makes me feel weird.
Hee at Daniel and Betty talking over each other.
Amanda is just annoying me now. She used to be at least funny and kind of sympathetic. Now she's just pathetic.
Woah. Cliff. Heh. He cleans up nice. "Beauty is pain, Cliff."
Marc. What the hell? You idiot. Cliff hotted himself up for you and you dumped him? Oh good. He fixed it.
This can't end well.
Aww. Daniel. Come on. Don't be a baby. Dude. He fired her. That's harsh.
Haha. Amanda.
Did it hit you, Daniel, that you fired Betty?
The open eyes? Pretty creepy. Also, Alan Dale can't stay alive on any show can he?
If my sister says one more time that George and Izzie have no chemistry and that anyone who thinks they do is blind then I'm gonna reach through the internet and slap her silly.
Frankly, I love George and Izzie but I'm a little squicked about all the sex and stuff. I don't know why except that I always have issues with seeing my OTPs actually consummate their relationship on TV. Unless they're already established. I don't know. I'm weird. I got embarrassed during any overt Kara and Lee scenes or Sam and Jack scenes and they're like the OTP to end all OTPs with me.
Heh. Meredith's like "I don't want to hear this."
"I wanna run." "Run. Run now." Hee. Poor Meredith. "Did he peck you like a chicken, Mere?"
"Be me, but you know, better. Be *you*" Hee. Truer words, Callie, truer words.
Haha, Bailey.
Damn. That was unnecessary.
I'm pretty sure a marble can't be that comfortable to pass. Heh. "I want you guys to get a divorce." Haha. George's look was hilarious all "i'm just going to go now."
Hee. The patient freaking Izzie out about her frown lines.
Ok, I could kind of get behind Mark having a crush on Hahn. She'd probably be able to smack him around a bit.
Well I'm glad Alex is modest. It's really nice. *eyeroll*
Hee. Bailey.
What the hell? I don't even know what they were trying to do. What they need to do is get a little drunk again, obviously. I don't think I want to see where this is going. It can't be pretty. Haha.
Hee. "I think I chipped my tooth." I have hope that once they stop trying so hard (and maybe get a little drunk) they'll get their perfect sex, but for now it's pretty freaking hilarious.
"And every one thinks it's so easy being the Chief's girlfriend." Hee.
I would be concerned that my surgeon is dancing in the middle of HOLDING A SAW TO MY BODY!
8 marbles? He ate magnets? Damn. Ow. Also, when your kid eats magnets to get you to get a divorce GET A DIVORCE. Or go to counseling. And maybe get the kid counseling. Why are kids so stupid? I was not a stupid kid. If my parents fought I went to my room. When they got divorced I was maybe sullen but I didn't eat stupid shit, I didn't gain an addiction, and I didn't have indiscriminate sex (I know someone who used her grandparents divorce as the reason her mom got knocked up at 14. I then said "my parents got divorced when I was 14 and I didn't get pregnant." This sentiment was not appreciated. But come on! A parents' divorce is not an excuse for every stupid thing a kid does after that. At some point you have to stand up and take responsibility for your stupidity and not blame your parents). Basically, kids should be as smart as I was.
"I am right about so many things it'd make your head spin." I love Bailey.
"It's more than just face lifts. I'm a board certified ENT. I take out tumors." Hee. Also, I didn't know he did ENT. That explains a bit now because I was wondering why he was doing some of the stuff he was doing.
Haha. Also, ick.
A box of fun? Oh lord. "A box of fun booze because I figure it can't hurt." Hee. They really need to calm down a bit. Haha. Seriously. They should be in a bedroom.
Haha. Go Lexi. Also, keeping Alex from sex? Not a way to endear yourself to him, Mere. Duh.
Extreme Makeover Home Ed is in town now. I had insider info and knew this last week but I wasn't entirely sure when they'd be here so I didn't mention it. I'm not sure when the episode airs, either, but I do know that the team got in some betting at the track.
They work at the same place. Also, STOP TRYING SO HARD, GUYS. Duh.
Haha. Izzie's "Oh my gawd" face is awesome.
Mark, Chief, and Derek are pretty much the 3 stooges of the show. They're awesome.
Chief's not that stupid. Bailey's also not that good at lying. Also, Chief YOU SHOULD'VE MADE BAILEY CHIEF RES IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Swear to god, if they don't get their perfect sex at the end of the episode I'll be pissed. At this point it could go either way and I don't trust Shonda.
Is Chief firing Callie? Way to fix a stupid mistake.
Aww, this sucks. Seriously. They had to kill the wife? Shonda you suck.
Hello, where's the perfect sex? We can't have all that build up and not some kind of conclusion.
No shit, Sherlock. Chief, you dumbass. Heh. Bailey. She's crying and hugging the Chief. I don't think they typically allow that.
I will not cry. I will not cry.
Where's the sex, Shonda? You bitch.
Haha. Lexi. Professional Etch-E-Sketch artist.
"Alex will you take my sister home?" You know, I can actually get behind a Lexi/Alex pairing. Despite the unfortunate similar name scheme.
Ok. George and Izzie and perfect sex now? Come on!
That's still not George and Izzie! Finally. Dammit! Shonda, you bitch! I knew it! I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up about them. I don't get it. They had chemistry! They had it several times. Why not now? I hate you, Shonda!Just, I don't get it. She's just feeding into the people who didn't like the pairing and ignoring the times they HAD CHEMISTRY.
Fuck it. I'm not going to care about this. Because I never thought Shonda would keep them going this long. I'm going to transfer my affections to Violet and Cooper all the while realizing that's another Shonda show so they'll probably get fucked over too because because heaven forbid anybody be happy in Shondaland.
It has been over a decade since I read The Golden Compass. I could not tell you any thing about it except that I liked it and read the second book but never read the 3rd book because by the time it came out I'd forgotten about the first 2 (this is why I like to read series that have all their books already published. It's easier if I can just buy them all at once without having to remember when a new one comes out).