There is a reason why I rarely read spoilers for any show except Grey's Anatomy and a few sitcoms. A very good reason. Not just that I like to be surprised but because with certain shows the spoilers are so vague that I can completely make them be about what I want them to be about even though I know the show never ever lets that happen. The show always screws me over and what happens is never as good as I was imagining. Because the show is evil, Smallville you bastard. Suck me in with the pretty people and the outrageous plots and your evil evil spoilers that have me shrieking in anticipation even as part of my brain is shouting at the shrieking part that IT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, YOU DELUDED PERSON! Fucking Smallville.
My sister's also not online for me to shout at her that Eddie fucking Izzard is going to be on 24 this season! No one told me! The internet loses again!
Okay well now I HAVE to know what exactly Jack and Ianto are going to do with a stopwatch, in Jack's office, alone. Because I think dirty things.
Jack's little ramble about the acrobat twins was hilarious. I like these signs of Jack before "Parting of the Ways" when he died and Rose/TARDIS brought him back. I don't doubt that the Jack we see now wasn't always there and I think we saw bits of him during Doctor Who, but the whole undying thing has made it the bigger part of him.
Also, what was that song playing at the end and how can I get it? I know I recognize the voice but for the life of me I can't place a name. I don't normally like to read too much into song lyrics played during tv shows, but the fact is I think most directors/writers pick a song for a reason and I know there's very specific choreography going on. I mean, they don't just slap whatever song they want to when they want to. So I find it interesting that when Jack walks in and it's all sort of slowed down and he and Gwen look at each other the song was saying "You're the one I've waited for . . .." I'm not saying it's a sign that they're meant to be, but I do think it implies that Gwen might some how be the key to Jack figuring out what happened to him. It might even just be something as small as her being a catalyst by asking the right questions or digging a little deeper because I certainly don't want to assign Gwen any great Mary Sue powers because I don't really like Gwen.
Yay, Matt being all coppy. And the blonde chick is rather awesome.
And I don't like Claire's dad implying that the rest of them are all bad bad men out to get his little girl because of her powers. I suppose it's a very dad thing to think with extra stuff added in, but still, not good.
Ooooh that's interesting! Peter seeing his brother and then it's Sylar.
Woah, cool! D.L. can do a thingy or something and like bullets go through him! That is so cool.
That's extra interesting! Peter can sense Matt in his head. This is freaking awesome! I am loving Peter's power more and more. Like, all the other people have their set power and that's it. They're not a wild card. But Peter is a wild card to the other Heroes and to those after them. If that makes sense. It makes sense in my head. Basically, Peter fucks with the other Heroes and it's sort of fun because they're all going around thinking they're unique and then they get near Peter and he can do what they can do only he can do what they all do and I love it.
And it just completely hit me that 4 out of the, however many Heroes there are, have their non-Hero sidekick. Claire has Zach, Peter has Simone (blech, I hate counting her but she does kind of count), Matt has blonde cop, and Hiro has Ando. That's interesting to me. I like it. Ando's my favorite but Zach and blonde cop are in a dead heat for second. Simone is useless and I don't like her.
Hmmm, I wonder what the Haitian does to Peter? Is that cough part of it. Well, not exactly Claire, but close enough. And I think Claire's getting a crush on Peter. That makes sense though. But Peter? She's too young for you.
Hiro and Isaac! Haha! Why did Hiro do that? Hee!
Isaac has better hair than I do.
Dude, their dad mindwhammied his son.
"You always say I don't take you anywhere." Hee! I love Matt and blonde cop. I wish I could remember her name. Dude, blood from the nose is just never good.
Oh noes. Did her dad mindwhammy Zach too? That is not fair! I loved Zach helping Claire.
What. The. Hell? The Haitian talks! Cool! And he's not doing what he's told! Kick. ass. He may be evil for all I know, but cool!
Dude! What the hell is that painting!
What the hell!? How did he do that? What is going on? She killed herself! I did not see that coming.
Okay what the hell is up with Peter? Is he dreaming? Did he do a time jump? I'm so confused. And am having difficulty spelling.
What? OMG I don't understand! But they're all there and what? Don't tell me Peter is the one that dies because that will piss me off. What? WHAT!?
I have to wait until January 22!? What the shit is this? And when does casting spoiler turn up? Not that casting spoiler, the British casting spoiler.
Fluffy awesomeness here I come!
The Christmas Show? Sorkin isn't even trying anymore.
Heh. I love that Danny's with Jordan at the doctor's office. I'm also easy. "I'm under 35." "This is no time for vanity." Hee. Awww.
I unabashedly love Danny and Jordan. I embrace my membership in the minority. But as I've said I'm easy.
"No, I'm the executive producer." It's like he's executive producing the pregnancy.
"You just described the beginning of every great love story."
"We're having a baby?" "I'm having a baby." "Relax, you'll be involved." I love Danny! I don't care if this story is ridiculous and pisses people off because it is worth it if we keep getting stuff like that.
Heh, Matt with his Charlie Brown tree. I'm also a sucker for Christmas episodes. Frankly, it's the Christmas season and even with all the stress and the sucky crap going on, I love Christmas.
"Thanks for showing up to work." Heh. I love Matt Perry. "I'm the miracle on Sunset Strip and you're, you know, two other guys." "This city needs me."
Heh. I'm not sure Danny has the right to tell Matt and Cal that Jordan's pregnant. "Danny, why were you at the doctor?" "Hmm?" "Why were you at the doctor?" "I wanted to be." Matt's face cracked me up.
"Son of a holy godforesaken bitch!" That, by the way, is my new favorite curse phrase. Fuck the FCC! And the RIAA! That last one's just me though.
Jack's reaction to Jordan's pregnancy! "I'm sorry I yelled. Have a seat."
"Hey, your people stole Jesus from our people." Heh, Sim. Tom has a crush on Lucy. Sim and Tom are awesome! And hilarious.
I like Matt and Suzanne. I'm getting a Josh and Donna vibe. Not romantic or anything, but they're fun.
Haha! Sim and Tom with Lucy. Heh.
"Danny you're caring more about other people than you usually do." Heh. "Go write!" "Okay." Danny slams his hand on the table and then Matt walks back in all "What?" "Nothing." Say it. Just say it out loud." Then he walks off grinning. Hee!
"Abs of granite, baby. Hard as a rock." "When did this stomach happen? "Leg lifts with Jeannie."
Then she walks in on Danny face down on his desk still banging his hand. Then Matt's all: "Say it!" "No!" Hee!
Danny you're sort of stalkery there with the knowing where Jordan went to school, but I guess it's nothing you couldn't Google and I Google people I know so, yeah, never mind it's just cute. "I'm a nut about exercise." Heh. Oh, Danny, you're adorable. Then Jordan checked him out as he left! And then Danny walked past again real quick and peaked back in! I love it!
"Let's get rid of demented Santa Claus!"
Oh come on, how do they not know this about Christmas? They didn't know that half of what we know of Christmas is made up? I knew that and it didn't require me to go to Google. This is why history classes are good people.
I say the more sex on tv the better! Clearly the networks should come to me.
Fucking trumpet players. Now I want to practice. Every time. I don't practice, obviously, but you know, when I hear a trumpet player I want to practice. I thought that was Kevin Eubanks. Okay, this kid is a real trumpet player. Know how I know? Because he sure as hell can't act.
No, the Immaculate Conception actually has nothing to do with Jesus. I knew that too. Theology classes are good things, too.
"You spoken to Jordan since Monday?" "Me? No, not really." "What did you mean 'not really'?" "I've driven past her house a few times." Heh, I guess that's sort of like learning your crush's class schedule and conveniently placing yourself near their classroom. Not that I did that in high school or anything. I've just heard that that's a thing people do. Yeah.
Dude, I don't know why Matt's kissing Harriet, but whatever. It was sort of hot. I still don't give one whit about their relationship, but I love Matt and I love Matt Perry and he's freaking adorable so I'll deal.
Yay, Ed Asner. I love Jack.
Sorkin, fuck you and your brass band plus sax! Brass bands are my fucking weakness. I'll get sappy every time. Look at the pretty silver sousa! Shut up. One of the things I miss most about band is every Christmas I got to play Christmas music all over the freaking place in a brass band.
Hee, Jordan eating. Danny sure gives a spectacular I love you speech. He really knows how to sell himself. And Jordan's just speechless and chewless! Hee! "Where'd you go?" "I went to a place called 'Say it Say it Say it!' I said it." And the music and I'm a total and complete fucking sap because I'm getting teary.
Edit: So I thought of a potential hitch to my plan to use my current glasses frames and just get new lenses next Friday and that would be that if they couldn't do it while I was in the office I would be screwed. So, crap. And I'm pretty sure this place doesn't have same day glasses. Here's hoping they have discounted frames.