You know I'm going to miss Vala. I also take a bit of a Bill Adama approach to the Ori. If the people in the galaxy want to follow the Ori just let them. That could be because the Ori can't be the Goa'uld for being the big bad. They aren't scary and frankly they're rather boring.
I'm going to be so confused though not having seen the first several eps so hopefully once they get through they'll start over.
Ok well so far I'm only marginally confused with Firefly. I really need to procure it all but I'm scared to download it because apparently this school tends to shut your ports down if they catch you and that just sucks. Even if I did download it I have no idea when I would have time to watch it all and it seems I missed the spiffy $20 deal on the box set so that sucks. Oh well maybe Sci-fi will continue to show it once they get through the entire season and I can start over. I just need to watch most of it before Serenity comes out on Sept. 30 so I'm not completely lost.
Ok I get that we're probably supposed to want Mal and Inara to get together but I kinda like him with the engineer chick (thanks to IMDb I know her name is Kaylee). And I do like Jayne already. Hee. What the hell is he doing. That's cruel. The bastard. Are we supposed to find Mal a bit of a jackass? Because he's a bit of a jackass. Oh ok I get it. He's still a bit of a jackass.
A Stargate fan favorite marathon? Hot damn. Sept. 2. I'm gonna have to vote.
Zoe and Wash are cute though. Poor Kaylee. Oh my god it's the creepy guy from oh god I don't know which show it's either Stargate or Atlantis.
Well I really don't like the Mal/Inara thing. Maybe it's because I haven't seen it from the beginning so it feels like it's being forced on me. What? Huh. I really need to see the first 4 episodes so maybe I'll actually understand the whole Mal and Inara thing and like it. Is it the standard ship of the show? I'm so confused. The whole jealous thing though is frankly quite annoying. He doesn't do it as well as Lee does. If you're going to be jealous you might as well do it in a spectacular way.
Man the closed captioning for this show sucks.
Ok the basketball scene? Almost as funny as Jack and Teal'c playing png pong. Especially when Teal'c picked Vala up and they bumped hips.
Yeah Nerus we miss Jack too.
Also the bastards just decided to show a new promo for tonight's ep of BSG. Yeah, one I didn't want to see. As soon as I realized it was different and that one I might have put my hands over my ears and started shouting "not watching not watching". I don't want to see it until the episode.
Hahaha. Man I love when Landry talks to Jack although I'd love it more if Jack were actually there. Landry's all "Jack please let me have Carter. I swear I'll return her in one piece. Please." And then there's Sam standing there and it's hilarious.
I'm really going to miss the Daniel and Vala show.
Goddammit. They've got to stop showing the damn different promo. Bastards.
Well that's one way to get rid of Vala. At least she isn't dead. Poor Daniel. I think he actually liked her.
Hee. McKay talking to Ronon about eating before taking a trip in the puddlejumper. "I've eaten frozen dinners without thawing them before and sometimes it even effects me" ha.
Be prepared for tons of squeeing when BSG starts. I'm just warning you.
Hahaha. Oh ok so Teyla and Ronon were just cute. Hee. "See the way his face lights up at that" Haha. "Which leads me back to cool".
Oh that scene with McKay, Zelenka, and Sheppard was hilariously cute.
Kick his ass Teyla. Haha. Oh boy Elizabeth and Teyla need to teach Ronon how to negotiate. Putting a knife in the table is not a good way to make friends. They should have a class for him and Sheppard. "How not to piss off potential allies". Hee. Way to go, bitchslap his ass.
They have got to stop showing new BSG promos less than an hour before the episode premieres.
Damn that guy thought Teyla and Ronon were like married. I think that needs to happen with John and Elizabeth because it would be infinitely more hilarious.
That guy was crispy. Ew.
"Elizabeth will listen to you." EEEEE! Hey, I take what I can get. Also John wouldn't let him in his room I wonder how the McKay/Sheppard shippers will spin that. What?
Colonel Skinner. Hee. "Isn't the Daedalus about to leave" (or sort of like that). In other words "What are you still doing here and get the hell out of my office."
"Sometimes I have to protect him from himself." Elizabeth does know Rodney well.
More Sheppard/Weir. Not enough.
Ok that purple promo with Elizabeth and Beckett was a tad creepy with his looking at her.
"I don't think it matters how much cake you walk on" Hee.
"Well call you back after the test." "You'd better." Awww. Shut up.
Is this episode I read about where Sheppard and McKay's relationship changes? Like it hits a bump or something. I'm thinking it is because John trusted him but he was wrong. I don't know. I can't remember what I read.
Oh my god Elizabeth reaming out Rodney in the background as Teyla and Ronon returned was hilarious. And she was so pissed he almost got her boyfriend killed.
I liked Ronon this ep for the first time. Don't think he's gods gift to women but I liked him
Oh my frakking god. I'm seriously like shaking from excitement here. That almost beats the beginning of KLG1. Damn. Geez. That was just so frakking awesome. All of it. "Don't talk to me about family." Awww Adama I'm sorry.
And the hug. Oh my god they hugged. Their relationship has progressed. I mean they didn't even hug when Lee returned from the dead. And "Nice to see you to captain." "remind me to send you to the brig later." Hee. Oh my god I love them so much. Damn.
Ok I'm gonna calm down I swear except SQUEEEEE!!! Hell yeah. I was literally bouncing up and down on the couch. I don't think I'll be able to handle the rest of the episode.
EEEE!!!! He looked so happy when he heard her voice and she looked so happy when she saw him and I almost died. Agggg,
I am so glad I didn't watch the promo for that. Damn. I will be squeeing about this forever. I have no coherent thoughts except oh my god I love this show. I don't think I'll have coherent thoughts so sorry to anyone who reads this who might be expecting in depth analyzing or something because I just love this show.
Damn Lee. You just can't let things go. "Thanks for bringing in the trash kara." Damn Lee.
"There's not going to be another Apollo in this bunch." Nice to see Tigh recognizes how awesome Lee is even when he doesn't like him.
Aww that guy thought Lee was a great leader. I love new guy. He has good taste.
Damn Adama was cracking walnuts with his hand. Bad. ass. And where did they get walnuts?
Come on I want Lee and Kara not being snarky at each other. Or Lee being a pissy bitch because as much as I love him in any form pissy bitch to Kara is kind of annoying. He can be a pissy bitch to ther people.
Oh what am I saying I just want more Lee dammit.
"Humans are masters of self-destruction" Was I the only one expecting a cut to Kara after Six said that? I can't be.
I like Caprica Boomer. She has a bit more spunk and less whiny emoness of Galactica Boomer.
Adama is pissed. He's been going on about loyalty and trust and all that but I suspect he trusts very few people now especially after what Lee did because I don't think he can see it as anything other than a personal betrayal which is why he'll never understand Lee because Lee sees it as anything but a personal betrayal. And that was one long run on sentence. And likely to be as prolific and analytically as I get this go around. Maybe later when I've had time to process and think but I've never been good at that stuff because I think other people say it better.
Damn Lee's got some pull in the their fleet. I was trying to think of a word for that fleet but I can't think of it.
Oh that guy screwed up. Ooops Birch not so much like Apollo.
"Yeah cuz you're clearly the poster boy for military discipline." Hee. The thing is though from Lee's viewpoint he did what he did for a reason, a higher purpose if you will, he did it because of his principles and in his eyes Kara didn't do what she did for any such reasons she did it because she was pissed off. I'm not saying either one or right but I am saying that's why they need to talk to each other. Damn Lee and Kara just never do anything easily do they. Well duh. Of course she'd put Lee in charge.
Oh my god they're going to kill Lee. Oh no they don't. The bastards. Damn. I did not see that coming. Well at the least it should be some prime Lee kicking ass scenes.
Seriously though can't Lee and Kara just get along. I love the angst and crap but sometimes it gets tiring and I hope there's a point sometime this season where they just work things through. Either they have a long talk or a long fight or hell even a long frak but they have got to work out some of this tension and anger.
What I like about this show is that there's always so much going on. What I don't like about this show is that there's always so much going on. You need all the repeat viewings just to grasp everything that's happening and being said.
"But he's no Apollo" Well who is.
Oh my god. That scene beats any other scene they've ever had together hands down. Lee: "You're my friend. I love you." Me: EEEEEE!!! OH MY GOD.
Lee really doesn't understand women at all though. But come on he walks in there and he tells her he's her friend and if there's anything she wants to talk about he's there. After everything that's happened between them. Right after the scene in the brig thing with Sharon. I adore Lee so frakking much it's ridiculous. "There's no takebacks." "You love me". "Dreamer" Heee. I Looooooooove them both. I'm definitely watching this episode as many times as possible. That scene RULES!! A declaration of love. In season two. My love for this show knows no bounds. I don't care if it wasn't shippy like Kara said he can't take it back. By the way this is kind of what I was talking about above where they need to talk. It's not everything but I think that went a long way to repairing their friendship just judging by Kara's grin and teasing. I love them more when they're behaving like they like each other.
Oh please let Elosha be dead. What? I can't stand Elosha.
Only 10 minutes left. Oh my god how am I not completely dead from the awesomeness? I told you there wouldn't be much substance to this post. Mostly just unmitigate squee.
How could this episode be more awesome? I don't know but we'll see if it is and if it is I might die.
God I need like a drink or something after this. I was going to sit through part of the Stargate ep and the Atlantis ep again but I'm not sure I have the focus. You can bet your ass I'm watching this episode again and this time I won't be trying to remember and write down my reactions.
"You've got to be frakking kidding me" Hee. Lee I love you.
Adama's cracking up. Dee's got balls.
Oh holy hell that promo. It's like the writers and the promo people took lessons in how to break my heart in the shortest amount of time possible. The bastards. I can't wait a week. Geez. This episode about killed me next week might finish me off.
I'm so rewatching this and maybe I can watch it without looking between my fingers at certain scenes. I was excited about the kiss from the picture but it's kind of like whenever any of my favorite pairs has a breakthrough if you will, in their relationship. I always feel I don't know embarassed or something or like it shouldn't be happening. So I won't be watching through my finguers this time. I also probably won't be able to sleep for like hours.
Edit: I forgot to add that I loved Lee sniffing the pyramid ball. I at least took it as his attempt to capture a bit of home. He had something in his hands from home, I'd probably sniff it or something too.
Also um so the kiss scene was cut? Huh? I really actually wish that I didn't know that because now I desperately want to find the uncut version and I can't remember where I saw it advertised. I was perfectly happy with what we got until I found out there was apparently a longer version. I should just stick to what we saw because that's the canon.