YES! That's exaclty what I meant to say, but leave it to me to take a perfectly nice compliment and turn it into something confusing and a bit offensive. Buahahaha...
So, I'm amusing when in pain, am I? *scratches head and ponders upon the advantages of it* So theoretically speaking, to make people laugh their hinies off I could just give myself a nice ol' beating? That's actually quite a nifty, and marketable, idea, though I'm not sure how well it'd work in practice... Hmm... I'm weirder than I thought. *huggles* I hope everything's fab with you, darling. I've seen loads of awesome PotC icons floating about, all of them made by a certain someone *nudges* ... I have to check them out right now!
Wah, bullcrap! I've seen your icons, and I know they'll look amazing no matter what! Even if you decided to dedicate a whole set to the Gollum/Gimli slash community it'd look fab! *shudders at the mere thought of there being such a pairing*
I'm working on the next set at the moment, to be posted later today ;) *snuggles*
YAAAY! New set was promised! Aaaaawesome :D *glomps*
*cuddles* Let's see how it turns out before we get excited ;)
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