I know failing to bring a sensible update for 2 weeks is by no means acceptable, and I sincerely apologize for this awful delay, and my atrocious behaviour *bows*
Honestly, what've I been up to? Well, first of all I've nearly spent all my days out and about, doing various thing with various people (none of it criminal, so at least my conscience's clear on that point), and well, I've had a great time actually, but I've sort of missed just kicking it at home in front of the pooter, cuz I feel like other people've constantly tried to planned my hols, which annoys the living daylight outta me (and that was put far nicer than I intended it to be). No harm done though, I guess.
What else? Yeah, that's right-- I failed to mention that back then... a couple of weeks ago my dad got me my first guitar, cuz I'd been bugging the hell outta him trying to get one, and I finally did, and it's beooootifooool! It's an acoustic one, and it's black *eyes pop out heart-shaped* It's so incredibly beautiful I nearly cried when I saw it.
We did get to learn how to play in the 5th grade, but it's been a while and most of the chords had fallen out of memory. Learning to play now was kinda like learning how to ride the bike all over again, but it's been great fun, though pretty frustrating during the first week when my fingertips where practically on their knees, begging for rescue. Now they've gotten used to it, and I tell ya, they'll never be the same.
Before: soft - Now: calloused
Mmmmhm. Leathery. Niiiice.
Sorry, got a bit carried away there.
In two days I'll be off again, but this time for about 2 weeks(!!) HELL YAH, IT'S INSANE! I don't know how I'll ever make it. I really sense the feeling of impending doom hanging over my head, which is creepy, but I seriously don't know how I'll make it for two weeks without a computer.
Yah, you heard me. I'm going with my whole family to our summer cottage. Our summer cottage in the country. In the country way out in the archipilago, outside Stockholm, which basically means; outhouse, shitty/or no mobile reception, and most importantly: NO POOTER.
*sniff* No GOO updates for two weeks. No LJ. No nothing *bursts into tears*
I'm gonna cope though, cuz as much as I'm gonna miss the pooter, I also know I'm gonna have an amazing time! I live and breathe for that bleedin' house, and my neat little garden, and my pretty pretty strawberry bed, and my lavender plants, and the fresh air, and the sea.
Anyways, I'll update one or two more times before I go, so don't think you're rid of me just yet ;D
And here's the real update, the real deal -- Instead of putting together another one of them banner thingies, I've thrown together -- hold on, wait for it -- two WALLPAPERS. GOO WALLPAPERS. Oh my god, what's up with that? For me that's kinda of a red letter day, cuz I don't do wallpapers that often these days.
I know you're not insanely into teh Goo, like some crazy people I've heard of *clears throat noisly*, but I kinda hoped you might like them anyway *shuffles feet*
Here goes:
Wooosh. I hope you dig. And also wishing all of you a fabulous day! You're the best.
Now, shower, then head off to have a picnic lunch with some of my friends.