(no subject)

Jul 01, 2004 10:20

You stumble, eyes blurring as you drunkenly regain your balance, swaying where you stand. You glance about the unfamiliar surroundings with trepidition. Where are you? How did you get here?

Further ahead is a dwelling and you try to put one foot in front of the other, try to get closer, but somehow your feet tangle and you trip and fall. Muttering curses, you stand once more and walk unsteadily towards the building of stone, all covered in ivy.

As you approach, you notice a man, dressed in leather and armor. A sword is sheathed at his side, arms crossed over his chest and face impassive as he guards the entrance to the building. A woman stands in the doorway, dressed in the roman style of pure white, paneled fabric. The skirt of the dress reaches to her ankles, a slim silver chain around her waist. Silver and blue anklets glisten, one around each ankle. Copies of the anklets are on her wrists and a thicker chain of silver around her neck, a stone of deep blue the centerpiece. Her dark brown hair falls like tendrils and vines of ivy about her face, the rest gathered up and drawn back and pinned up.

In your drunken stupor, you step on a twig, the sound echoing in the area. The woman's dark brown eyes, like dark chocolate, snap to you and she slips inside the building, deftly closing the door as the night moves to stand in front of the door. You step forward, reaching out to the door, only to have your hand slapped down like a spoiled child.

"You are forbidden entry. Only the chosen one's are allowed within," the guard rumbles in a deep voices, causing you to cower away. "Begone and forget this place."

It was command, interlaced with magic. You ran, half-tripping over your own feet and roots of tree's and the further you went, the more elusive the image and memory of the building was.

The guard settled once more, calm and collected, his task for the moment finished. His slight movement revealed a sign that had been hidden by his bulk moments before:

"You have found a Friends Only Journal. Only certain "special people" are allowed to view the contents herein. Go about your business, good citizen, and forget that you ever found this place."