Two ♡ [ Action | Accidental Video ] Iä! Iä! Cthulka Fhtagn!

Mar 05, 2011 00:44

[ The video flickers on to reveal dark rings trailing in a wavy line, then a popping noise as the Tone drops.

A cry of surprise. ]

What are you doing?  Hey--!

[ Shuffling noises, a glimpse of Luka's boot, and what looked like pink tentacles curling around the edge of the screen.  A squeak, more shuffling, some squishy noises for good measure... ( Read more... )

[vocaloid] megurine luka

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music_and_leeks March 4 2011, 17:30:45 UTC
Luka Nee! Are you ok?!


[ Video ] ro_eltyeir March 5 2011, 00:40:48 UTC
[ One flustered Luka, coming right up! ]

M--Miku-chan! Yes, yes, I'm fine. You didn't...see anything, did you?


Re: [ Video ] music_and_leeks March 5 2011, 02:57:23 UTC
You seem upset.

Hm? Not really. Did somehting happen?


[ Video ] ro_eltyeir March 5 2011, 03:00:56 UTC
I think Tako Luka might have turned the video feed on. And I've been trying to hide her from the hotel staff...if they find out she's not a doll, they might kick us out or something. I really hope nobody saw that...


Re: [ Video ] music_and_leeks March 5 2011, 03:07:32 UTC
Oh. I'm relieved then,that nothing bad happeed. Well, her tentacles were wiggling... But, don't worry, I'm sure evrythign will turn out fine!

Oh, I've got great news! I have found out how to bring Ha_ [A odd chubby little foll like verison with a strange face pops into the screen]


[ Video ] ro_eltyeir March 5 2011, 03:13:12 UTC
W--Wiggling?! [ BRB panicking now.

A start. ] Hachune! [ Smiles. ] At least it won't scare anyone too much! [ Smirks at Hachune. ] Don't give Miku-chan any trouble!


Re: [ Video ] music_and_leeks March 5 2011, 05:38:45 UTC
Hi!! [Hachune waves at Luka] Ok!!

[Miku giggles and hugs her tightly] Oh, I missed her soo much! I'm so glad to see her again


[ Video ] ro_eltyeir March 5 2011, 16:17:41 UTC
[ Surreptitiously holding down one excited Tako Luka. It misses Hachune too! There might have been a little squeak. ]

I'm glad! I was worried about you living by yourself. But how did you bring her here?


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