(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 21:51

Oh My GOD… I haven’t posted for a while… but the happenings of JSA are way too much to leave out of my journal.

Four years of dedication to one organization is now over… and what a bang to end it on.

Elections… I’m afraid elections didn’t go well at all for Sunny Hills. All those that we supported at State… quite frankly lost. Then again that goes for poor Dos Pueblos and Temple City as well.

Anna, Richard, and Nina will do a great job as a team. As long as Nina and Anna focus and follow up on their grand schemes it’ll work.

My last piece of advice is… quite frankly; don’t trust that the work is being done unless you SEE it being done. And remember, you can only delegate away so much before you over stretch your cabinet and your work.

But before any of your get too excited over your work… until this JSA school year ends… we’re still not done.

Yes Anna, that means the Senate HAS to meet again to publish our Constitution this year, AND there is the small fact that I have a huge proposition to make in changing the JSA bi-laws… they are so fricken outdated… much needs to be changed, and I have three word documents full of changes to be made.

We need to get together soon… just the fact that I’ll at least be able to see my fellow Senators again for one last hurrah brings warmth back to my bones.

But here we go with small blurbs that don’t nearly say everything they should about each and every one of you.

Anjie: You’ve been the greatest partner I could have wished for. You’re pretty much the exact opposite of me in every way possible. I’m a far right conservative republican, and you’re a far left liberal democrat. You’re blonde, skinny, and beautiful… and I’m just what I am. You’re light hearted, optimistic, passionate, and absolutely amazing, while I’m cynical, pessimistic, and absolutely lazy. You’ve inspired me in ways you don’t even realize. You lead by example (second year on a Peace Corps mission?!), while I’m just words and promises. Your spirit and energy puts me to shame. It’s been an honor serving as SER Senator with you; I wouldn’t have had it any other way. From the very beginning when we found out we were running against each other, you can up to me and told me that we weren’t in fact running against each other, but that we were running with each other. The late night phone calls and trying to calm you from freaking out have been quite the pleasure. You’re going to be amazing next year for whatever cabinet position you fill, whether it is for the State, Regional, or Chapter. Help guide Rena and Grace in keeping up with the SER work, they’ll need it.

Ailya: I don’t think I said what I meant to say about how much you mean to me at Spring State… because every time I attempted, I just ended up a sobbing, blubbering fool. You and I have both gone through many frustrations this year, and yet look at the amazing accomplishments you have made as governor. The most successful One Days in the history of JSA… record breaking numbers for Fall State, Congress, and Spring State… while presiding over an active Assembly and Senate. While I know some of the cabinet managed to frustrate you at first, people look to you as an unstoppable force of passion and drive that cannot be matched. Although you’ve always talked about not being “Annique,” you’ve underestimated how much people look up to you and are inspired by your amazing talent and beauty. You serve as a compassionate, quiet calm to the hectic schedule that JSA throws at us, and often took on the role of a mother in caring for all of us in a way that we needed. You’ve picked each and every one of us up when we stumbled, and you were always there when I needed you. Now that JSA Spring State has passed, perhaps finally you can manage to find some rest and peace. The constant late night phone calls… leaving notes on your AIM away messages… and the nights and early mornings I spent driving up to Palos Verdes will be greatly missed (along with listening to Alicia and your brother fight while you desperately try to talk to me over the phone). Before we all go our separate ways, we’ll have to meet up during the summer a few times to hang out and just have coffee or tea (God forbid we actually talk about our lives instead of JSA for once).

Audrey: Fellow-Senator, Sex-in-the-City-goddess, the-most-amazing, incredibly-sexy-in-her-own-right, Miss Audrey herself. Working on Congress with you as reigning king and queen has been quite the pleasure. Your demanding and modern chic personality is absolutely addicting. You’re a feminist with an agenda, a totally white washed Asian, a small girl with a big persona, a sensible and realistic woman. You’re all that and much, much more. There are big things planed for you, planning Congress and being in the Senate with you has been the ultimate pleasure.

Diane: I didn’t know that a junior was capable of teaching me life lessons on a daily bases, but as always, you defy the norm. Your amazing inner strength and persistence cannot be described in words, but only by watching you work and command. You keep yourself composed, you’re genuinely innocent, and best of all… you’re MY problem solver. Planning Congress under your direction was a learning experience. I watched as the rest of us fooled around, talked, and joked… while you insisted that we continued on our path to completion. Your organization of the CIR and your long drives down from Santa Barbara are quite noble indeed. If there is anyone that I could dedicate my Statesmen of the Year award to: it would be you and Ailya for the amazing amount of hard work you put in. I wish you the best of luck. While you’re still in JSA, I cannot imagine something going wrong. It’s been inspiring, it’s been wonderful, and it’s been my absolute honor and pleasure working with you.

Jackie: The first time I met you, you’d come down from Arcadia to a Sunny Hills mini-con… the only AR and non-cabinet or elected official to come outside of our chapter. From there you’ve made a total of three trips down to our school, and your probably the most traveled JSA officer out of us all. You’ve brought reform to the Chapter Intelligence Agency, something that had been tried but never quite successfully pulled off as you’ve managed to make it. The Orange County Symposia wouldn’t have been the same without you… Sherry and I placed heavy burdens on your shoulders, yet you never stumbled. The Republican National Convention was just absolutely amazing and I’m glad to have spent such a historic moment between you, myself, and Diane. While we were “persecuted,” and “attacked,” for being republican… in the end we managed to get the last laugh. Do you remember being on the floor of the Republican National Convention… screaming our heads off? Do you remember the crazy New York taxi driver that almost ran over a pregnant woman, and THEN proceeded to fight in the middle of the street? Remember giggling over that for HOURS and HOURS at the restaurant? Most of all, I remember you and Meredith (your twin) fighting at the restaurant and getting so annoyed… it was hysteria to me, while you probably didn’t find it so funny. Your quiet diligence and steely resolve will take you far in life. We’ll meet again soon Jackie (tell the Pinta family I said hi).

Nick: Fellow Senator, the David amongst the Goliaths, little poppable Nick himself. Your speed IMs annoy and brighten up my day, in ways you could not possibly imagine. I owe you a thousand worlds for helping me so much with my committee assignments during Congress. You don’t get nearly the amount of credit you deserve. Your telemarketer calls were the foundational reason that we managed to get such a huge number to our Congress. Like Ailya, I’m constantly worried that you’re going to burst… so make sure you stay calm and stress free. You, oh-so-naturally-caffeinated-person, you.

Philip: If there is anyone I would want to lose a best speaker gavel too, it’s you. Over the years, we’ve debated so many times. I’m the token Republican that fills all the conservative spots, while you’re the token Democrat that fills all the liberal needed spots. Our Democrat VS Republican debates, our debates over the inherent nature of human beings, our homosexual marriage debates (especially the cross fire at Sunny Hills, the Iraqi War debates, and most importantly… our debates over abortion, have been an absolute pleasure. I’m so sorry that you missed the last day of Spring State, and I thank you for sharing your last Best Speaker Gavel with me. I still have the top, and I’ve labeled it with a tag to remind myself of our last abortion debate (hopefully by the time both of us make it onto the Congressional floor, that debate will have ended in my favor). When Ailya told me you wanted to share you best speaker gavel with me, I was absolutely touched. Your Governors luncheon speech was as usual, the most eloquent and the most inspiring. The Sunny Hills girls swoon whenever you’re mentioned. They absolutely adore you. I’ll have to come up to Palos Verdes to see all the PVP kids, and have dinner for a proper farewell bonding experience. Keep in Touch.

Bing: (Insert some tobacco joke here). The Sunny Hills girls simply won’t stop swooning over you and Philip. I believe Sarah framed the Polaroid that she took with you… the girls fought over it the entire way home from Spring State. Your deep voice, and awe inspiring speeches have been mind numbingly great. The debates have been interesting this year, and thanks to you insisting on placing a Manifest Destiny debate on the Spring State Agenda (I filled that one), people think I’m a pro-Native-American-killing, racist. Either way, I love you, and I want you to keep in touch.

Tas: Your taste in clothing is absolutely impeccable. Your personality is angelic, and you’re much cooler than your brother. I sobbed like a fool when I had to say goodbye to you the Sunday of our departure. I will never quite forget the quiet lunch we shared at the patio, away from the chaos that was Congress. Remember that waiter who ran into the clear glass wall? Along with the really sleezy wedding decorations that were being set up right in front of a brick wall that barely covered the highway noise? I still owe you a Versace belt, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten, I’ve just yet to find the same belt that I have without having to result in buying it from online. Your quiet and caring personality has touched me and inspired me. Watching you complete your homework in the Pre-con room while everyone goofed off reminded me of the silent diligence that seems to run in your blood line. I’ll never forget your pretty pink BCBG dress. Love you!

Priyanka: Oh my God are you beautiful or what? Miss Director of Logistics, you’re going to make some man very very happy one day. Discussing our non-existent love life has been lots of fun. I’ll never forget that brief ride we took in your Dad’s Lexus at the Newport Harbor’s Scandalous Social. My obsession with your hair will continue, and I’m sure you’ll still smell lovely even after Philip and I are too far away to compliment you on it. I don’t remember there being a single logistics problem this year (aside from Fall State North, which wasn’t at all your fault). Your system of blue paper and sharpie notes has worked amazingly. You’ll be a fine addition to State cabinet next year. Mission Viejo is seriously way to close for any excuses to be made in seeing each other. We will definitely have to hang out.

Melissa: It’s a shame that I didn’t get to know you as well as I would have liked. Your continual demand for hugs and your beautiful personality has made you one of the best highlights of JSA. Keep in touch with me! Sharing Spring State Pre-Con has been a short yet lasting pleasure.

Adrianna: I don’t think I’ll ever quite forget out D.C. experience. You falling into the Ronald Reagan memorial will always stay with me. You’re always smiling, and God knows you’re absolutely brilliant. The Assembly Department this year has been amazingly effective, and you deserve much of the credit. We still have to do our picture swap! (Our shoe adventure through the D.C. tunnels was great… and that CHINESE RESTURANT and that scary lady that kept asking for tip…. OMG the memories).

David: Our highlight has to have been the D.C. trip… we took a picture with Ralph Nader (I’ll never forget your blunt question, and your continual mocking of Ralph Nader by repeating “Nader makes me want to Ralph.”). Politics is never personal, and I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon. You’ve done an amazing job with the Assembly, and no one can take that fact away from you (Remember the Chinese Restaurant and the penny you or Adrianna put under the cup? I’m laughing just thinking about it).

Nina: Persian Fury Status. Your hair has been a pleasure to molest. Your small stature, and on the go personality doesn’t fit your giant heart, and endless spirit. You’ll make a great LTG. I do agree that the Senate should focus on strengthening the JSA State, and I’ve personally talked to you about what my concerns were. I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job. Never be afraid to call me for anything. I love you very much.

Yena: You’ve been the most amazing Chapter Affairs Agent this year. I’m sorry about your campaign to become Senator, but you’re quite still young, and you have miles to walk before you let disappointment seep in. I think you’d make a lovely Chapter Affairs Director, I suggest strongly that you apply for State Cabinet. I seriously cannot think of anyone better suited for the job than you.

Daphne: At first I never got what Vintage Valor meant… but for some reason, that odd phrase describes you perfectly. Watching the monster that is the AR, grow under your direction has been amazing. Your two One-Days were unstoppable. Daphne you’ll be great as one of the cabinet members next year. Your unique personality has often left me scratching my head, and yet your logic never seems to fail. Good luck on your newfound quest to get into Stanford.

Stuart: My fellow Junior Statesmen of the Year… scheming with you and Mark has been such a pleasure. We put up a valiant effort, but one must roll with the blows. Your intellectual debates, and relatively unbiased debate briefs have impressed me greatly. One day you’ll see the error in being such a liberal, and you’ll convert. Your such a closet republican.

Brett: At Sunny Hills, we used to call you the JSA Poster Boy. Your dedication to this organization and your amazing conventions are beyond words. College life will be a big adjustment to you (especially since your school is so tiny), but your flexible and charismatic personality will help you adapt quickly. Keep in touch.

Nehal: You’re so damn tall, it freaks me out cause I could have sworn you were shorter than me at the beginning of this year. You’re another one of those amazingly underrated JSAers from the CIR. You’ll make a fine addition as a cabinet member.

Anna: …Oh my God… where do I start. First of all, our strings of Iraqi War debates have been absolutely joygastic. You’ve pounded me down to the floor with your brilliance and your knowledge in just about everything. When you debate, I’m rendered to praying for a divine intervention. While you know that I didn’t support you for the gubernatorial race… the decision between you and Diane was one of the hardest I had to make. If there is anyone that I would have wanted seen as Governor aside from Diane, it would have been you, and I know you’ll do an amazing job. Just look at how much you’ve reformed the Senate, and just look at how amazing both Congress conventions have turned out. You’ve often said that you couldn’t see yourself but being Governor for JSA, that you breathe, sleep, and live JSA. Now it’s your time to fulfill your obligations as the execute powerhouse of this great organization. I know you won’t let me down, or else I’ll drive back from Las Vegas and torture you with George Bush chants. You have promises to keep, and miles to go before you sleep, and miles to go before you sleep. Chow love.

Sherry: You’re the newly crowned princess of JSA. You’re a strict and rule abiding program director, while being down to earth and totally high-school compatible at the same time. When I talk to you, I feel as if I’m talking to an old friend rather than the program director of our State. I was so honored that you considered and picked me as Statesmen of the Year (along with our Chapter award!). I promise you that the moment I strike the lottery or land big in Vegas, you’ll be backed by a fresh army of interns. Seriously do not think twice before calling me for help over anything in the Vegas area. I look forward to being an active alumnus. I believe the first time I met you was at the Republican National Convention. Since then your fashionable taste for scarves and things from Juicy Couture, gave us an instant connection I’ve never shared with an adult before. Your realistic and sensible direction will take Southern California to great heights; look at our State under your first year already! Let’s make sure to keep in touch!

Nicola: The Sunny Hills late reg. Only you would be genuinely kind enough to endure the torture of my wishy washy chapter. Playing black jack with you at the Registration desk has been a lot of fun. Your devotion to this organization is both admirable and inspiring. You’ve been an encouraging guide throughout my long years as a JSA member, and I hope you’ll continue to assist others in helping achieve their dream.
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