fallintomylies and
mistyredhead[WHERE] Moving in the direction of the bookstore
[ABOUT] A meeting of sorts.
[WARNINGS] Trolling?!
[it's been a few days since he last spoke to the boy. Neah's gotten himself relatively settled in and somewhat familiar with the layout of the city, despite his claims otherwise. supposes he should perhaps find employment somewhere.. soon.
Well, then. What happens, happens, no? [he flashes a politely wry grin at himself in the mirror, smooths his hair back, and suppresses the Noah genes to return his skin to a more normal peach pallor. simple dress shirt, vest, and slacks. he leaves his neck ribbon and overcoat behind this time.
one last glance at his destination on the Tone, and he slips it into his pants pocket to begin a slow, meandering journey towards the bookstore.]