New Year Changings!
I am taking Sarahs advice and not deleting this journal or its contents. However, I am starting a new section of scribe. A fresh notebook for the new year.
I couldn't imagine how many, if any are interested in keeping up to date with my 2007, but if you are, i'm flattered, pleased and delighted. If not, I can't say i blame you. HIstorically, this journal has shown an appalling lack of wit, grace and the required je ne sais quoi, that so many of you show with literary flare, daily. The sparkling intelligence which has held me rapt in your words for months. I do possess something, but i have let it become buried, sticking my head in the sand, or possibly up my own...
Anyway, i'll be round, watching and reading, if you don't mind. Commenting and cat-calling. Occassionally, I might post and maybe if i do manage to regain quality control, i'll start posting here again.
So hello... to
glitternova The newest star in the journal sky.