Because all the cool kids are doing it (and I figured what the hell):
.name. starhealer/starry/star/Leah
.age. 25
.prior experience. A whole shitton that I'm too lazy to list
.contact information. AIM - koenmakun; e-mail - koenmakun (at) gmail (dot) com
.name. Inara Serra
.age/year. 18/senior
.appearance. Without a doubt, Inara is beautiful. She knows it, girls know it, boys know it, everyone knows it, and she's not afraid to flaunt that fact, either. Actually, she rather revels in it and uses it to her advantage in whatever socialite agenda she has going at the time. Consider it a token from her parents, who bred her that way.
But yes, appearance. Inara clocks in around 5'5"ish, with long, curly black hair, dusky complexion and dark, wide eyes that are very, very good at seeming alluring. (The eyes, they have their own personality!!! *cough, sorry*) She slender but curvy, and she dresses in such a way as to accentuate those features, though it's a rare, rare day when one catches her in anything but dresses and skirts. She also likes to wear slippers. Go fig.
.personality. A debutante by birth and by attitude, Inara is one of the wealthy elite. She enjoys her priviledges, including, but not limited to, money, her fair share of whichever sex she finds attractive, comfortable living, fencing and archery and other such upper crust passtimes, and dancing. Yes, dancing.
Inara is, fundamentally, a flirt, though that's not really giving her enough credit. She thrives on social interaction, loves conversation -- not just gossip, but honest, deep, conversation -- and has an honest, inate gift at reading other people's emotions. As such, she tends to speak with them on intimate terms, often getting close to them, touching gently and laughing. It helps ease tension and makes it that much easier to get to know them.
That being said, she has few true "friends," as she prefers that others don't come to understand her as she does them. But those few she deems worthy have her respect, love and devotion, even if she has odd ways of showing it.
That being said, Inara is incredibly intelligent in the social, linguistic and artistic fields. She's mastered Chinese, knows several instruments, can dance, write and has a fair grasp on world history. Just don't ask her how to fix a car or saw a board, cause she'll look at you like you're an idiot.
.history. Like I said, Inara's a born and bred debutante whose parents are some of the most socially elite in the country. They are also eccentric, and in one of her father's more spacey moments, he decided that moving out of the city and into a smaller community would be good for the family so they could enjoy "easy living," or, in Inara's case, hiring the locals to be their servants while they spend their days in frivolous pursuits.
At first, being in the suburbs was hardly what Inara considered fashionable, and she kept mostly to herself, venturing forth only when her parents introduced her to this or that rich boy and his parents. Eventually, she began accepting invites to parties and whatnot, but remained aloof at school, which she considered a den of ill-bred oafs. That, too, eventually subsided (a little), and she branched out into the fold, making one or two friends among the "normal" people, but mainly keeping others distant.
And then, her senior year began. Which is to say, she found her way to Hell.