Update 02-05-08

Feb 05, 2008 22:34

Haven't updated in awhile, so I suppose I should.

Work: Still takes up the majority of the time, just more profitably. I'm now supervisor of my shop which means I make more for doing mostly the same thing, just more meetings and some paperwork. This period's not going so well because J, my supervisor, underforecasted us a whole lot for hours and I'm trying to pay off past due invoices from the previous supervisor. However, I talked to the General Manager about it (which got me compliments from him (big boss) and my immediate boss) and he said we'd just have to work it out and he would take all that into consideration when looking at my end-of-period numbers (which is Feb 22nd).

Dance: Still going, slightly slower due to work and whatnot but still fun, as usual. Did Medal testing a couple weekends ago and I'm pretty sure I did pretty well. Everyone else got a bit mad about it because they didn't do so hot (or so they thought) but it was silly arguments as to why they were mad so I dunno. Got a bunch of comments about how "of course I did well, I always get everything right" and "it's just easy for you" and the like which made me mad because the test still challenged me but because they gave us a study sheet, I knew what I was supposed to and how to practically apply it. I could rant about that for awhile, but I'll just stop there.

School: Still fun and really awesomeness. The Accounting class, not so fun and not so awesome, just tedious and boring, though not so hard, luckily. Massage school is still really cool and I love the friends I've made from it. :) Coerced two of them to come dancing with me a week or so ago and they liked it. :) One of them is going to start taking lessons there. Yay! Someone to come with me!

Life: Eh, so-so. Nothing catastrophic, but just weird me-ness. I can't decide if I'm growing up too fast or not. I mean, I'm a supervisor in line to do very well and progress to a manager if I do well (which people tell me I will based on these past couple weeks), I'm getting married in a bit over a year, I live with my fiance in a house he owns (we, really, since I pay part of the mortgage), and all that. I want to work on a cruise ship for a 6-month tour. I want to live in California, take an internship at the Ritz-Carlton in Philadelphia. I want to be the General Manager of the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California (that's my really, really, really ridiculously high ambition for my life goal - pay range is $165k - 234k salary at a ridiculously awesome hotel). I want to study abroad in Italy or Germany or Poland or Ireland for a year. But all that requires leaving my fiance (except the GM job or living in Ca - but you get the point) and well, is that.. ok? Do I do it before I get married or after? I can't take the internship until I'm a junior which won't be for another few years and I'm getting married next year.

Anyway, enough rambling. I need to go to bed so I can shower in the morning before work. Nice part about being a supervisor - I don't have to go into work until 8 or 9. Yep, niiice. Anywho, just a little update on my life for whomever still reads this. :)
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