i have been taking quizzes all morning. Im that bored.
I baby-sat the cutest kid last night. From 4-10:30. By the end the tiny little headache i went there with had become a migraine. i got back to job corps, took an ibuprophen and went to bed.
My friend pauline's graduation is next weekend and im hoping i can go. it depends on whether or not my mother's working because she has to come get me sos i can go home.
I miss home. And I should really quit smoking.
Hey! My birthday is next thursday! yay!
No prezzies please. unless its manga. give me money ^_^ i have no room for anything else. How sad.
Ei!! You're a demon!! *If you are a guy: glomps
you!! If you are a girl: Smiles and hugs you!!*
Are you an Angel or Demon?? (with pictures!!) brought to you by
What type of manga animal demon are you? brought to you by
You are an Angel! You think highly of yourself, and
that those 'demon scum' would probably only be
good enough to lick your shoes. Frail and
delicate looking, you either are what you look,
or actually pack a rather large punch.
Are you an Angel, Angel Trainee, Demon, or Human? brought to you by
Quizilla that one i think is rather wrong. Im nowhere near angelic. Right Pauline? Right?
You are Aubrey! You are strong and will fight for
what you want no matter what the cost. Most
think you are ruthless, cunning and aggressive,
but they don't see the side of you you keep
human. You are not just another pretty face.
Demon In My View, In The Forests Of The Night, Shattered Mirror, Midnight Predator, Hawksong personality quiz brought to you by
You are Michael.
The Angel of Fire. Michael is..well short. He is
Lucifer's twin brother and was appointed to
send him to hell during the great war.
Afterwards he became rather distant and spread
rumors about himself to keep an aura of
mystery. His only friend in Heaven is Raphael.
You are a bit quick tempered and will use force to
get your point across at times. You have great
pride but are still loved and understood by the
ones closet to you.
Which Angel Sanctuary are you? brought to you by
Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics) brought to you by
You're the Mad Hatter! You used to be the
beautiful angel, Belial, and you had fun by
seducing angels and then watching as they
killed themselves out of guilt for their sins.
When Lucifiel led the revolt against God and
was banished to Hell to become Lucifer, you
followed. In love with Lucifer, you will do
anything to try and make him love you, even
after all the pain and torment he puts you
through. You once admitted, however, that if
Lucifer would ever love you, you would kill
yourself because .. well .. whats the fun in
winning so easily? You need to have something
to occupy your time -- and that something
usually includes torturing others. You're
pretty insane and you're also a sadomasochist,
meaning you enjoy inflicting pain upon others
and enjoy pain being inflicted upon you.
You're a pretty freaky person and you would do
anything to keep yourself amused.
Which 'Angel Sanctuary' Character Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla i think those are enough results for today ^_^