Thanks to
erisedsmirror, I went and looked up the Albuquerque issues that will be on the November 2 ballot:
There will be a two issues:
1) A
change in the charter. Currently
the city charter says that councilors are paid annual salaries equal to one-tenth of the annual salary received by the Mayor. The Council President shall receive double the annual salary received by other Councillors.
The amendment would change that to Councilors shall receive annual salaries equal to one-third of the annual salary received by the Mayor. The Council President shall receive the salary of a councilor and an additional one-tenth of the annual salary received by the Mayor.”
So, the councilors are asking us to triple their pay from 10% of the mayor's salary to 33%, and the council president's salary would merely double, going from 20% to 43%.
Do you think your city counselors deserve to double or triple their salaries? Have you ever gotten a raise like that? Me neither.
2) The $52 million street bond (which would allow the city to extend Paseo Del Norte into the Petroglyph National Monument).
These issues will only be available for voting for residents of Albuquerque, and certain residents of Bernalillo outside of Albuquerque.