Phoenix kind of shot Maia in the gut, and she used up the remainder of her strength to teleport herself somewhere else on the ship. So now, she's on the ground on some random deck (we can work out exactly where later), bleeding out, and in a ridiculous amount of pain. (It's about damn time she got what was coming to her. <3)
What I need is someone to come find her and help her, or for someone to come find her and take her to someone who can help her. The issue with that, though, is that Maia isn't going to make it easy for whoever finds her.
Maia doesn't plan on letting anyone help her until she goes back to the library, because (and this may be of interest to people from Jak's world) Maia left all of her notes in there. At this point, Maia knows she'll come back if she kicks the bucket, again, but if someone ends up taking all of the notes she's made while on the Elegante...well. Yeah. That's it for them.
So yes! If you want your character to find and deal with Maia, tell me so and we can work something out! :>
Torn has dibs on finding Maia's notes in the library, which means whoever finds Maia won't be finding them. Someone is going to be very, very angry when she recovers. 8C <3
Harley will be finding Maia.