Operation Get Laid

Jun 18, 2010 20:39

Characters: Herz and Tanvir
When: The night of the epic Ping-Pong match
Where: Deck 1
Warnings: Gay and sexual themes

[Herz holds his can of coke to his still swelled lip and smirks up to the sky. What he really wants is a cigarette, but he's doing his best to hold off until his mouth heals a little more. For now, the soda will do him, and so will the sky.

The Captain can indeed be a great man. This is goddamn hilarious. Most definitely a pitch in his spirits.

There's other people milling around the deck, but Herz is off by the railing, all on his lonesome. Suits him just fine for the moment, not that he'd be adverse to company. Just...doesn't want to interrupt anyone's night. He's half hoping someone will notice and strike up conversation, but it's just an absent thought. He's not letting himself wander too far into dark territory. He's still pretty damn proud of himself.]

tanvir, herz

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