
Nov 13, 2008 21:37

Characters: Batou and Erol
Location: Batou's room and Carnival
Date: Late night
Rating: R for violence probably

Erol snarled and paced at a quick march, driven by something he always felt (which had gotten worse in the past two years), but never so keenly as when all his distractions were removed. There really was little crueler that could be done to ( Read more... )

erol, batou, camp carnival

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electronichound November 14 2008, 06:15:58 UTC
Batou opened the door and stepped inside, smiling a bit when he saw that his charge remained in the cage. Well and so, he hadn't expected anything else, because he'd done his damndest to make sure the cage was inescapable. Captivity was clearly taking a heavy toll on Erol, and Batou found that he was growing more concerned by the day. It wasn't that the cyborg gave one tenth of a damn for Erol's condition, but he did think that if the other man died he'd wake up in his quarters--and then Batou would have to go through the trouble of capturing him, and if Erol injured himself in the ensuing struggle then Batou might be punished by the Captain. Unacceptable.

Batou unwound the long leather leash and collar, letting them drop on the floor. He'd broken several lamps and stripped the wiring down, then twisted the copper around the leash over and over. If Batou released a charge into the leather-and-wire restraint, it would shock Erol. Hopefully that would be enough to ensure his co-operation.

"I need to clean your cage, and also you're going out to burn off some of that nervous energy," the cyborg said, approaching the cage. "I'm taking you to Carnival and we're going to kill things together. Approach the bars and let me restrain your hands and neck. I'll remove the wrist restraints once we've entered the hell hole."


psychoticracer November 14 2008, 06:29:50 UTC
Erol didn't stop moving.

"You've GOT to be kidding me," he growled. Out, yes, GOD he wanted out. He'd been wanting to see this Carnival place for a while, and he wanted to kill things so badly it hurt. But on a - his eyes flicked back and forth between Batou and the object he'd dropped several times before he figured it out, unwilling to take his eyes off his captor for any length of time - a leash??

What the fuck did he take him for. Batou was fooling himself if he thought Erol would go quietly, and the Commander shifted his pacing track further away from the bars so he couldn't be grabbed. (At least, he was pretty sure. Batou's arms were long but they were also thick.)

To come get him, he'd have to open the door. Erol eyed the cage's singular entrance hungrily. The smart thing to do would be to lure Batou in so he had room to maneuver around the cyborg, but he wasn't certain he had enough self-control not to try to make a break for it the second it was open.


electronichound November 14 2008, 06:34:06 UTC
"Alright, your choice," Batou said and shrugged his massive shoulders. There was no way he was going into that cage. If Erol wanted to go, then he'd submit and obey. "Tell me if you change your mind."

Batou wandered over to his desk and picked up another novel he was reading: The Garlic Ballads by Chinese author Mo Yan. Batou picked it up and leafed to the page he'd left off at, then began to read standing. It was a familiar pose, as his legs would never become tired, and so Batou only sat down to read when he cared about appearances. He didn't care now, and so he was prepared to stand, motionless save for the turning of pages, for hours.


psychoticracer November 14 2008, 06:56:45 UTC
Erol's eyes narrowed and he continued pacing. Like hell he'd come quietly.

A chance to kill...

No. NO. He had his fucking pride. He wouldn't -

need BLOOD need DEATH need it need it NEED IT

"FINE!!!" he exploded, lunging at the bars and hitting them angrily, ending the movement by gripping the bars. "Make it. Fucking. Quick. Before I fucking change my mind. Again."

Tense as a violin string, he glared at Batou with palpable hatred and frustration, breathing hard as if the struggle with himself to let Batou restrain him had been physically strenuous.


electronichound November 14 2008, 07:12:11 UTC
Batou looked up from his book and resisted the urge to say something snarky. Anything more could set the elf off, and Batou was happy that he'd managed to finagle compliance out of the man.

"One moment," he said, bending down to pick up some more wire. Batou reached through the bars and quickly restrained Erol's wrists, then attached the collar around the other man's neck. Wordlessly, the cyborg went to the 'lock' he used to keep Erol in his cage: a long piece of steel rebar bent around the door like a twist-tie. He grunts and with the soft moan of stressed metal, undoes the restraints.

Batou quickly took the leash in his hand and gave it a small jerk.

"Come along now. Let's go. You don't want someone to see you like this, do you?"


psychoticracer November 14 2008, 07:33:51 UTC
"Shut up," Erol snarled, the response uttered before he could even double-think it. Of COURSE he didn't want to be seen, hauled along like some muzzled crocadog.

But - whispered the logical part of his brain - if an ally saw you, or someone who might talk where they could be heard, THAT wouldn't be such a bad thing.

The few like-minded individuals on the ship wouldn't much appreciate the idea that one of them could be imprisoned with no consequences. Besides - he'd just done both Even and Cadence a bit of a favor, hooking them up to break into that restaurant, it would be quite clear that sticking together was advantageous. Someone would do something. For the advantage of having Erol owe them a favor, if nothing else.

I don't NEED someone to rescue me -

No you don't NEED it, but it'd certainly be nice at this point, wouldn't it.

... Yes.

Stubbornly Erol took the leash between bound hands to keep slack next to his neck. It would minimize the leverage Batou had - for what that was worth, which wasn't much - and give Erol at least an illusion of control.


electronichound November 14 2008, 07:56:22 UTC
Batou tugged on the leash and led Erol out into the hall. It was silent and he knew that no one was about at this hour, not often, so it was the safest time to transport his prisoner from one area to the next.

Batou did not speak as they moved towards the familiar doors, and mostly his attention was on his surroundings to make sure there were no observers of this. In all honesty, Batou would have preferred it if he hadn't collaborated with the others, as he was doing a fine job on his own and the cyborg wasn't sure which of them could be trusted. The redhead, sure, but for all Batou knew, the woman was a spy.

He frowned as they came to a stop and the doors opened. Thunder rolled inside Camp Carnival, same as always, and Batou tugged impatiently at Erol for him to follow.



psychoticracer November 14 2008, 08:11:54 UTC
Erol had thought to make a break for it as soon as he was outside the door, but between the abnormal stillness of the halls and the sheer joy of breathing fresh air, he was too distracted to do much besides go where he was led.

Carnival was before them too soon. Erol's ears pricked at the rumble of thunder. Thunder?? ... The hell? He could feel the air differential, sense that it was outside, but that was impossible. They were facing the ship's interior...

"What's in there, anyway. And do I get a Mardamned weapon."

At the yank he snarled, pulled back on the leash with wire-bound hands. "Don't FUCKING pull me around." Breathing free air had quieted his nerves enough so that he was no longer compulsively twitchy, but he still hated being controlled and restrained.


electronichound November 14 2008, 08:18:45 UTC
Batou glanced at him swiftly.

"Give me a reason to trust you," he said, and opened the doors. They slid into the walls and Batou yanked with a slight fraction of his strength, nearly spilling the elf on his face.

Inside it was much the same as before. The carousel tinkled away as the horses whimpered in pain, the concrete ramp had spots of fresh blood and the bruised, greenish-grey sky rolled with thunder that threatened to spill. The scent of blood and something burning came on the sickly breeze, and Batou began to lead Erol down the ramp.

"I'll release your hands at the bottom. Try to go for the door and I won't hold back. We're going to have fun and then you're going back into the cage. Behave and we'll go on walkies again."


psychoticracer November 14 2008, 08:37:57 UTC
Erol most likely would have fallen on his face if he hadn't been holding onto the leash with his own hands. "S'not as if I could hurt YOU," he pointed out irritably as they entered.

When the cyborg warned him off the door, Erol glanced back towards it with palpable longing, but the rest of the spectacle kept him distracted. How the FUCK did this exist? Well... as Celeste had pointed out, logic didn't really apply on this boat.

His nose flared at the scent carried past by moisture-laden breeze. This was... bizarre. Erol was a cruel man, had inflicted agony and suffering that made him the terror of Haven City. But this was prolonged sickness, agony and torture on a level he struggled to understand. After a certain point even Erol would grow bored and kill his victims. When they broke, when pain ceased to become fresh and new, when they no longer flinched or even tried to appease him and they got that dull, hopeless look in their eye - the game was over and it was time for a new toy. Hell, even Praxis would allow someone to die eventually.

Things here just kept on suffering.

Like a hound that had scented quarry, Erol's pace quickened, weight shifting to the balls of his feet, the set of his shoulders changing as his posture adjusted. Come on COME ON what's this place got to offer


electronichound November 14 2008, 08:45:49 UTC
When they reached the bottom of the ramp Batou tugged Erol closer and started to unwind the copper wire from around the elf's wrists. The corner of his lips quirked up in a smile as he observed how Erol's pulse began to quicken, his pupils dilate and a fierce spread over his features.

"Are you capable of putting aside personal grievances, Erol? If you are, I suggest we treat each other as comrades for the time being, and kill together. Agreed?" Batou can't help but let a tremor of excitement into his own voice. There are shapes moving in the darkness--more bears that turn into bats?


psychoticracer November 14 2008, 09:30:00 UTC
"Eh, what? Oh. Yeah yeah, whatever. S'fine." Erol was more than a little distracted, ears picking up odd sounds. He barely glanced at the cyborg to answer, far more concerned with evaluating incoming threats. Hell, he didn't even object to Batou pulling him over to free his wrists, legs moving automatically to keep balance.

Erol knew he couldn't hurt Batou - the man was little more than a distraction, at worst a hindrance as far as Erol was concerned. Now was all about THEM - whatever THEY were. Not the prey he was used to, women and children and rebels. Not even Metal Heads. And damn if he wouldn't have felt better with a good pistol or at least a dagger.

But it had been so long he couldn't fucking care less.


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