(no subject)

Apr 26, 2010 05:40

Who: Hiccup and Astrid
Where: The Buffet
When: Around eight the night after Astrid arrives
Warnings: Spoilers for HtTYD and Teenage bitching.

Having a guardian who's recovering from an attack seriously has its advantages. Hiccup may not be a model Viking, but if there's one thing he definitely shares with the rest of his tribe, it's his minor claustrophobia. Danger rarely--if ever--is a strong enough deterrent to keep him inside for long.

This is where Gideon's injury comes in handy. While he's passed out, Hiccup can excuse himself, and go grab some of the strange and wondrous food up at the buffet. This would both sate his hunger and his aching need to be moving in a space larger than that little, dinky bedroom. So, yeah, totally a win-win situation, right?

And so long as the drummer never finds out, everything will continue to be right with the world.

astrid, hiccup

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