(no subject)

Apr 20, 2010 21:18

Who Damas and Phoenix, closed log
When Last night when Phoenix is being a crazy mofo
Where Deck 13
What Phoenix has a jewel stuck on his forehead. Damas doesn't think it matches his outfit.
Rating UH. PG-13 pushing R for violence?

Damas didn't like what he'd heard from Lily's transmission. Phoenix had a chivalrous streak in him, that much Damas did know about him-- he couldn't even fathom Phoenix thinking of fighting a child in his right state of mind.

Damas has a kitchen knife. Who knows what edge that could possibly give him in battle, but at least he's somewhat armed. He'd intended to search for other weapons, but hadn't gotten very far. He was hoping to figure out a full scope of the insanity on the ship beyond the occasional panicked transmissions.

He finally reaches Deck 13. His mouth tightens into a line. Isn't this pleasant. He starts out into the landscape, looking for Phoenix, watching his step as he goes.

damas by katu, phoenix

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